In ArcGIS Pro, charts are linked to and stored with the chart's source layer. Charts are not a separate file or project item, rather they are an extension of the source layer. To share a chart, you can do the following:
- Share the chart's source layer as a layer package or web feature layer.
- Share the map the source layer is in as a map package or web map.
- Share the project the map is in as a project package.
- Export the chart as a graphic file.
- Add the chart to a layout.
Charts are listed under their source layer in the Contents pane, on the List By Drawing Order tab .

Learn more about managing the charts in your project
Share layers, maps, and projects
All of a chart's properties, including the variables specified, properties, title, and format, are maintained with the source layer you share so a shared chart will have the data and settings necessary to appear exactly as the chart was authored.
Use a shared chart
After adding or opening the shared layer, map, or project in ArcGIS Pro, the charts will be listed under their source layer in the Contents pane, on the List By Drawing Order tab . You can open the shared chart and interact and manage it in the same manner as other charts.
Other ways to share a chart
Charts can be exported as a graphic file using the Export button in the chart window. SVG, JPG, and PNG formats are supported. Specify the corresponding extension (.svg, .jpg, or .png) to control the type of exported graphic file.
Charts can also be added to a layout as a chart frame.