Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.
ArcGIS Indoors supports tracking of mobile devices. Indoor locations from both indoor positioning systems (IPS) and outdoor locations from the global positioning system (GPS) can be reported. You may want to restrict tracking of people to locations within or around the facility. In some cases, there may be a need to track devices only in certain areas of a facility. The TrackingZones feature class in the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model defines the areas within which mobile devices can be tracked by ArcGIS Indoors.
Location information is only reported if a mobile device is inside the areas specified in the feature with the attribute value of the TrackingZones feature set to Track. Locations are not reported once the mobile device’s position is reported as outside the tracking zone. The attribute value can be changed to Do Not Track if you would like to preserve the areas defined but don’t want locations to be reported. You can use this attribute to define areas where tracking is not wanted, for example, secure server rooms or restrooms.
You can create a tracking zone in the TrackingZones feature class by digitizing a polygon with the Create Features tool. Alternatively, you can load selective features into the TrackingZones feature class from the Units feature class using the Append geoprocessing tool.
If you want to define a boundary surrounding the facility, you can run the Buffer tool to create a polygon surrounding the facility feature in the Facilities feature class with a specified distance. You can then use the Simplify Polygon tool to reduce the density of vertices in the polygon before loading the resulting feature into the TrackingZones feature class.