| Class | Description |
 | CIM3DLayerProperties |
Represents 3D layer properties which contain properties used for 3D draw.
 | CIM3DSymbolProperties |
Represents 3D symbol properties, a collection of symbol properties that apply when the symbol is used in a 3D context.
 | CIMActivity |
Represents activity.
 | CIMAggregateField |
A field holding the result of an aggregation of one or more other field values.
 | CIMAGSServiceConnection |
Represents an ArcGIS Server service connection.
 | CIMAltitudeParams |
Represents altitude parameters.
 | CIMAngleFormat |
Represents an angle format.
 | CIMAnimationScreenGraphic |
Represents a graphic and list of keyframes indicating properties that can be changed during the animation.
 | CIMAnimationScreenGraphicGroup |
Represents an animation screen graphic group container.
 | CIMAnimationScreenGraphicKeyframe |
Properties defining the graphic at a single point in time for the animation.
 | CIMAnnotationLayer |
Represents an annotation layer used to draw annotation feature classes.
 | CIMAnnotationSubLayer |
Represents an annotation sublayer used to draw annotation feature classes subclasses.
 | CIMAttachmentFrame |
Represents an attachment graphic frame.
 | CIMAttachmentsMediaInfo |
Represents attachment media info.
 | CIMAttributeCondition |
Represents an attribute condition.
 | CIMAutoCamera |
Represents the camera settings associated with a map frame on a page layout.
 | CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties |
Represents auxiliary raster properties.
 | CIMBackgroundCallout |
Represents a background callout which draws a callout with an optional polygon background and leader line.
 | CIMBalloonCallout |
Represents a balloon callout. Balloon callouts are a filled background that is placed behind text. They may or may not have a leader line connecting the callout to an anchor point.
 | CIMBarChartMarker |
Represents a bar chart marker, a chart made of vertical bars displaying values.
 | CIMBarChartMediaInfo |
Represents bar chart media info.
 | CIMBaseComparison |
Represents a base comparison object.
 | CIMBaseLayer |
Represents the base layer class.
 | CIMBasicFeatureLayer |
Represents a basic feature layer, the base class for all layer types that draw feature classes as features.
 | CIMBasicFeatureTemplate |
Represents a basic feature template.
 | CIMBAVariableList |
Represents Business Analyst variable list.
 | CIMBAVariableListVariable |
Represents variable of at variable list.
 | CIMBinaryReference |
Represents a binary reference in a document.
 | CIMBindVariable |
Represents a bind variable.
 | CIMBinningFeatureReduction |
Represents a technique for reducing features by aggregating them into polygon bins.
 | CIMBinningVisualization |
Describes the appearance and application behavior of polygon aggregation bins.
 | CIMBivariateFieldInfo |
Contains a collection of properties that describe a bivariate attribute field.
 | CIMBivariateRendererAuthoringInfo |
Represents additional authoring properties used by a bivariate choropleth renderer.
 | CIMBookmark |
Represents a spatial bookmark.
 | CIMBookmarkDocument |
Represents a bookmark document which is the document type used for saving .bkmx files.
 | CIMBookmarkMapSeries |
Bookmark map series is a means to create a series of map pages based on saved bookmarks.
 | CIMBookmarkMapSeriesPage |
A map series page based on a bookmark.
 | CIMBuildingDisciplineLayer |
Represents a building discipline layer.
 | CIMBuildingDisciplineSceneLayer |
Represents a building discipline scene layer.
 | CIMBuildingLayer |
Represents a building composite layer.
 | CIMBuildingSceneLayer |
Represents a building composite scene layer.
 | CIMCallout |
Represents a callout.
 | CIMCGAAttribute |
Represents a CGA attribute, the symbol attribute as specified by the CGA code in the rule package.
 | CIMCharacterMarker |
Represents a character marker.
 | CIMChart |
Provides access to members that control chart properties.
 | CIMChartAxis |
Provides access to members that control chart axis properties.
 | CIMChartBarSeries |
Provides access to members that control bar chart series.
 | CIMChartBoxPlotSeries |
Provides access to members that control bar chart box plot series.
 | CIMChartCalendarHeatSeries |
Provides access to members that control CalendarHeat series.
 | CIMChartDataClockSeries |
Provides access to members that control DataClock series.
 | CIMChartFillSymbolProperties |
Provides access to members that control properties of the fill
 | CIMChartFrame |
Layout element used to display a chart.
 | CIMChartGeneralProperties |
Provides access to members that control general chart properties.
 | CIMChartGuide |
Define the properties to define a chart guide.
 | CIMChartHistogramSeries |
Provides access to members that control histogram series.
 | CIMChartLegend |
Provides access to members that control chart legend properties.
 | CIMChartLineSeries |
Provides access to members that control line series.
 | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties |
Provides access to members that control properties of the line
 | CIMChartLocationDefinition |
Represents the definition of a location for which data is to be plotted.
 | CIMChartMarker |
Represents a chart marker, a marker used to display a chart.
 | CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties |
Provides access to members that control properties of the marker
 | CIMChartMediaInfo |
Represents chart media info.
 | CIMChartPart |
Represents a chart part, individual components of the chart marker.
 | CIMChartProbabilityPlotSeries |
Provides access to members that control probability plot series.
 | CIMChartProfileGraphSeries |
Provides access to members that control profile graph series.
 | CIMChartRenderer |
Represents chart renderer which contains properties common to all symbolizers that depict some feature value as a chart drawn on top of the feature itself.
 | CIMChartScatterPlotMatrixSeries |
Provides access to members that control scatter plot matrix series.
 | CIMChartScatterSeries |
Provides access to members that control point chart series.
 | CIMChartSeries |
Provides access to members that control chart series properties.
 | CIMChartSpectralProfileSeries |
Represents a chart spectral profile series.
 | CIMChartTemporalProfileBand |
Represents a band for a variable to be plotted over time.
 | CIMChartTemporalProfileBands |
Represents the bands for a variable to be plotted over time.
 | CIMChartTemporalProfileDimensionValue |
Represents a dimension value for a given variable to be plotted over time.
 | CIMChartTemporalProfileDimensionValues |
Represents dimension values for a given variable to be plotted over time.
 | CIMChartTemporalProfileSeries |
Represents a temporal profile chart series.
 | CIMChartTemporalProfileVariable |
Represents a variable to be plotted over time.
 | CIMChartTextProperties |
Represents chart text properties.
 | CIMClassBreak |
Represents a class break.
 | CIMClassBreaksRenderer |
Represents a class break renderer.
 | CIMClassBreaksRendererBase |
The base class for class breaks renderer types.
 | CIMClippingPath |
Represents a vector marker clipping path.
 | CIMCMYKColor |
Represents a color in the CMYK color model.
 | CIMColor |
Supports colors in the CIM model by providing low level access to properties common amongst all color types.
 | CIMColorClassBreak |
Represents a color class break.
 | CIMColorModulationInfo |
Indicates whether modulation should be used to render the point. Low modulation values will darken the point color.
 | CIMColorRamp |
Supports color ramp schemes in the CIM model by providing low level access to properties common amongst all color ramp types.
 | CIMColorReplacementDocument |
Represents list of color replacement rules.
 | CIMColorReplacementRule |
Represents a color replacement rule.
 | CIMColorSpace |
Supports colors spaces by providing a common base type for all color spaces.
 | CIMColorSubstitution |
Represents color substitution, an ordered list of color substitutes.
 | CIMColorUniqueValue |
Represents a color unique value.
 | CIMColorVisualVariable |
Represents a color visual variable.
 | CIMColumnChartMediaInfo |
Represents column chart media info.
 | CIMCompositeCallout |
Represents a composite callout. Composite callouts are a filled background along with an optional shadow, which is placed
behind text. They may also have a leader line (consisting of one or both of a simple line, and filled dart)
connecting the callout to an anchor point. Composite callouts may have additional surrounding text elements.
The text representing these parts is specified in the text string using tags. Their relative position properties are
specified in the CIMCompositeCallout through their corresponding CIMCompositeTextPartPosition elements specified below,
but these properties can also be overridden with tag attributes.
 | CIMCompositeSubLayer |
Represents a composite sublayer.
 | CIMCompositeTextPartPosition |
Represents the text part position properties on a callout part.
 | CIMCondensedTabGridLine |
Defines a condensed tab.
 | CIMCondition |
Represents a condition.
 | CIMContiguousTabGridLine |
Defines a contiguous tab for a referenced grid.
 | CIMContinuousColorRamp |
Supports continuous color ramp schemes by providing low level access to properties common amongst all continuous color ramp types.
 | CIMCurrencyFormat |
Represents a currency format.
 | CIMCustomGrid |
Represents a custom grid of the mapFrame.
 | CIMCustomGridLabelTemplate |
Defines the label template for custom grids.
 | CIMCustomNumberFormat |
Represents a custom number format.
 | CIMCutAndFillEADefinition |
Represents a slice box exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMDataConnection |
Represents a data connection.
 | CIMDatumTransform |
Represents a datum transform.
 | CIMDeclination |
Represents the properties of a declination calculated using World Magnetic Model.
 | CIMDefinition |
Represents the base class for definitions.
 | CIMDefinitionFilter |
Contains filters so that only features satisfying these definitions will be displayed.
 | CIMDictionaryRenderer |
Represents a dictionary renderer where symbols are drawn from a symbol dictionary.
 | CIMDimensionLayer |
Represents an dimension layer used to draw dimension feature classes.
 | CIMDimensionShape |
Represents a dimension shape as used by a dimension feature.
 | CIMDimensionStyle |
Represents an dimension style which defines dimension appearance.
 | CIMDirectionFormat |
Represents a direction format.
 | CIMDiscreteVariable |
Represents a single bind variable.
 | CIMDisplayFilter |
Represents a display filter used to restrict the display of features across scale ranges.
 | CIMDisplayTable |
Represents a display table.
 | CIMDocumentInfo |
Represents high level information for a document.
 | CIMDotDensityRenderer |
Represents a dot density renderer.
 | CIMDoubleFillScaleBar |
Represents a double filled alternating scale bar.
 | CIMDynamicServiceCompositeSubLayer |
Represents a dynamic service composite sublayer.
 | CIMDynamicServiceLayer |
Represents a dynamic service layer.
 | CIMDynamicServiceSubLayer |
Represents a dynamic service sublayer.
 | CIMEditingElevation |
Defines the properties needed to specify new Z values when creating or modifying features.
 | CIMEditingTemplate |
Represents an editing template.
 | CIMEditingTemplateCollection |
Represents a collection of editing templates.
 | CIMEditingTemplateCollectionItem |
Represents an item that can be stored within an editing template collection.
 | CIMEditingTemplateReference |
Represents a reference to an editing template.
 | CIMEditingTemplateRelationship |
Represents an editing template relationship.
 | CIMEditingTemplateToolOptions |
Represents editing template tool options.
 | CIMElement |
A CIM representation of an element.
 | CIMElementStorage |
Represents a series of graphic elements stored offline.
 | CIMElevationSource |
Represents an elevation source.
 | CIMExploratoryAnalysisDefinition |
Represents an exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMExpressionInfo |
Represents the properties required for authoring an Arcade expression.
 | CIMExtentIndicator |
Represents an extent indicator which is used to display the visible extent of other map frames in an associated map frame.
 | CIMExteriorTick |
Class that represents an exterior tick for a grid.
 | CIMExternalTableView |
Represents an external table view.
 | CIMEyeDomeLighting |
Represents eye-dome lighting properties.
 | CIMFeatureDatasetDataConnection |
Represents a feature dataset data connection.
 | CIMFeatureExtrusion |
Represents feature extrusion.
 | CIMFeatureHyperlink |
Represents feature hyperlink.
 | CIMFeatureLayer |
Represents feature layer used to draw data from feature classes.
 | CIMFeatureMosaicSubLayer |
Represents mosaic feature sub layer.
 | CIMFeatureReduction |
Represents a technique for visually reducing large numbers of features in a map.
 | CIMFeatureTable |
Represents a feature table.
 | CIMFeatureTemplate |
Represents a feature template.
 | CIMFieldDescription |
Represents a field description.
 | CIMFieldMapping |
Represents a field mapping that maps fields from source layer or table to target layer or table.
 | CIMFill |
Represents a fill which defines how the polygonal geometry is drawn.
 | CIMFixedColorRamp |
Represents a color scheme composed of discrete colors.
 | CIMFolderConnection |
Represents a folder connection.
 | CIMFractionFormat |
Represents a fraction format.
 | CIMFrameElement |
Represents the frame that is associated with some element types (for example, map frame, legends and so on).
 | CIMGADataConnection |
Represents GA data connection.
 | CIMGAIsoRenderer |
Represents GA iso renderer.
 | CIMGALayer |
Represents the GA layer.
 | CIMGAMethod |
Represents the GA method.
 | CIMGeneralPlacementProperties |
Represents general placement properties. This is base class for general placement properties for each label engine.
 | CIMGenericView |
Represents a generic view.
 | CIMGeodatabaseErrorLayer |
Represents GDB Error tables as a composite layer and draws the errors.
 | CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase |
Represents geographic feature layer base, a base class for geographic feature layers.
 | CIMGeometricEffect |
Represents a geometric effect, this is base class for all geometric effects.
 | CIMGeometricEffectAddControlPoints |
Represents the add control points geometric effect.
 | CIMGeometricEffectArrow |
Represents the arrow geometric effect which creates a dynamic line along a line feature with an arrow of a specified arrow type and width.
 | CIMGeometricEffectBuffer |
Represents the buffer geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon with a specified distance around features.
 | CIMGeometricEffectCut |
Represents the cut geometric effect which creates a dynamic line that is shorter on one or both ends than the line feature or polygon outline.
 | CIMGeometricEffectDashes |
Represents the dashes geometric effect which creates a dynamic multipart line geometry from a line feature or the outline of a polygon based on a template.
 | CIMGeometricEffectDonut |
Represents the donut geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon ring of a specified width in relation to the outline of polygon features.
 | CIMGeometricEffectEnclosingPolygon |
Represents the enclosing polygon geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon from the spatial extent of a line or polygon feature.
 | CIMGeometricEffectExtension |
Represents the extension geometric effect which creates a dynamic line that is extended from either the beginning or the end of the line feature at a specified deflection angle and length.
 | CIMGeometricEffectJog |
Represents the jog geometric effect which creates a dynamic line with a jog of a specified angle, position, and width in the line.
 | CIMGeometricEffectLocalizerFeather |
Represents a geometric effect which creates a localizer feather for aeronautical charts.
 | CIMGeometricEffectMove |
Represents the move geometric effect which creates a point, line or polygon that is offset a specified distance in X and Y.
 | CIMGeometricEffectOffset |
Represents the offset geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon offset at a specified distance perpendicularly from a feature.
 | CIMGeometricEffectOffsetHatch |
Represents a geometric effect which creates a hatch pattern to depict special use airspace for aeronautical charts.
 | CIMGeometricEffectOffsetTangent |
Represents the offset tangent geometric effect which creates a dynamic line along a line feature offset in the direction defined by either the beginning or the end of the line.
 | CIMGeometricEffectRadial |
Represents the radial geometric effect which creates a dynamic line of a specified length and angle originating from a point feature.
 | CIMGeometricEffectRegularPolygon |
Represents the regular polygon geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon around a point feature with a specified number of edges. All edges are equal in length and all angles are equal.
 | CIMGeometricEffectReverse |
Represents the reverse geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon around a point feature with a specified number of edges. All edges are equal in length and all angles are equal.
 | CIMGeometricEffectRotate |
Represents the rotate geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon rotated a specified angle from the feature.
 | CIMGeometricEffectScale |
Represents the rotate geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon scaled by a specified factor. Vertices are moved in relation to the center point of a feature envelope. Values greater than 1 move vertices away from the center point. Values between 0 and 1 move vertices toward the center point. Values less than 0 draw an inverse dynamic line or polygon where the vertices have crossed to the other side of the center point.
 | CIMGeometricEffectSuppress |
Represents the suppress geometric effect which creates a dynamic line that hides sections of a stroke between pairs control points.
 | CIMGeometricEffectTaperedPolygon |
Represents the tapered polygon geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon along a line feature, whose width varies by two specified amounts along its length, as defined by a percentage of the line feature's length.
 | CIMGeometricEffectWave |
Represents the wave geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon along a feature with a repeating wave pattern.
 | CIMGeometryLocationCondition |
Represents geometry location condition.
 | CIMGISProject |
Represents a project.
 | CIMGlobeServiceLayer |
Represents a globe service layer.
 | CIMglTFMarker3D |
Represents a marker symbol for 3D objects.
 | CIMGradientFill |
Represents a gradient fill which fills polygonal geometry with a specified color scheme.
 | CIMGradientStroke |
Represents a gradient stroke which draws linear geometry with a specified color scheme.
 | CIMGraphic |
Represents a graphic.
 | CIMGraphicElement |
Represents the CIM representation of an element on a page layout.
 | CIMGraphicFrame |
Represents a graphic frame.
 | CIMGraphicsLayer |
Represents a layer of simple graphic elements.
 | CIMGraticule |
Represents a graticule for a map frame.
 | CIMGrayColor |
Represents a grayscale color defined by lightness.
 | CIMGridEndpoint |
Represents an end point of a component. For ex: The labels for ticks are
defined using an endPoint object.
 | CIMGridLabelTemplate |
Represents the formatting of a label.
 | CIMGridLine |
Represents latitudes or longitudes for a graticule.
Represents eastings or nothings for a grid.
 | CIMGridPattern |
Defines pattern for a component.
 | CIMGridZoneLabelPosition |
Represents the state of a label at a given position on a MapGrid.
 | CIMGroundToGridCorrection |
Defines the properties needed to perform a COGO ground to grid correction when adding new features.
 | CIMGroupEditingTemplate |
Represents a group editing template.
 | CIMGroupEditingTemplatePart |
Represents a group editing template part.
 | CIMGroupElement |
Represents a collection of layout elements in a group element.
 | CIMGroupFooter |
Represents a group footer section in a report.
 | CIMGroupHeader |
Represents a group header section in a report.
 | CIMGroupLayer |
Represents a group layer which is a simple ordered collection of other layers.
 | CIMGuide |
Represents a guide used to snap elements on a page layout.
 | CIMGZDLabelGridLine |
Represents a UTM Grid Zone Designator Label definition for a MapGrid.
 | CIMHatchFill |
Represents a hatch fill which fills polygonal geometry with a uniform series of parallel line symbols.
 | CIMHeatMapRenderer |
Represents a heat map renderer.
The Heat Map Renderer draws point features as a continuous /// color gradient representing the density of the points. The resulting /// density surface represents the physical proximity between points, /// optionally weighted by a specified attribute value. The displayed /// raster surface is dynamic and morphs according to the zoom level /// and updates if the source point features are edited.
 | CIMHighlightActivity |
Represents a highlight activity.
 | CIMHorizontalBarLegendItem |
Represents a horizontal bar legend item.
 | CIMHorizontalLegendItem |
Represents a horizontal legend item.
 | CIMHSLColor |
Represents a color defined by hue, saturation, and lightness.
 | CIMHSVColor |
Represents a color defined by hue, saturation, and brightness (value).
 | CIMHtmlPopupFormat |
Represents an HTML pop-up format.
 | CIMHuffModelAttractivenessVariable |
Represents attractiveness variable used in Huff Model.
 | CIMHuffModelCalibrationDocument |
Represents a Huff Model calibration.
 | CIMHuffModelDistanceParameters |
Distance properties of the Huff Model calibration item.
 | CIMICCColorSpace |
Represents a color space defined by an International Color Consortium (ICC) color profile.
 | CIMIlluminationProperties |
Represents illumination properties.
 | CIMImageMediaInfo |
Represents image media info.
 | CIMImageMosaicSubLayer |
Represents an image mosaic sublayer.
 | CIMImageServiceLayer |
Represents an image service layer corresponding to an ArcGIS Server image service.
 | CIMInkGraphic |
Represents an ink graphic.
 | CIMInMemoryDatasetDataConnection |
Represents an in-memory dataset data connection.
 | CIMInMemoryWorkspaceDataConnection |
Represents an in-memory workspace data connection.
 | CIMInteriorTick |
Class that represents an interior tick for a grid.
 | CIMInternetServerConnection |
Represents an internet server connection.
 | CIMInternetServerConnectionBase |
Represents the internet server connection base class.
 | CIMIsosurface |
Represents a isosurface.
 | CIMIsosurfaceGroup |
Represents a isosurface group.
 | CIMIsosurfaceGroupContainer |
Represents a isosurface group container.
 | CIMKeyframeAnalysis |
Represents an exploratory analysis keyframe.
 | CIMKeyframeCamera |
Represents a camera keyframe.
 | CIMKeyframeElevationSource |
Represents an elevation source keyframe.
 | CIMKeyframeLayer |
Represents a layer keyframe.
 | CIMKeyframeRange |
Represents a range keyframe.
 | CIMKeyframeSurface |
Represents a surface keyframe.
 | CIMKeyframeTime |
Represents a time keyframe.
 | CIMKMLDataConnection |
Represents a KML data connection.
 | CIMKMLLayer |
Represents a KML layer.
 | CIMLABColor |
Represents a color defined in the LAB color space.
 | CIMLabelClass |
Represents a label class which describes how to generate a set of text labels from a group of features in a feature layer.
 | CIMLabelClassProperties |
Represents label class properties.
 | CIMLabelPlacementProperties |
Represents label placement properties.
 | CIMLadderGridLine |
Represents internal labels for a MapGrid.
 | CIMLASDatasetLayer |
Represents a LAS dataset layer.
 | CIMLASPointElevationRenderer |
Represents a LAS point elevation renderer.
 | CIMLASPointSplatter |
Represents a LAS point splatter.
 | CIMLASStretchClass |
Represents a LAS stretch class.
 | CIMLASStretchInput |
Represents LAS stretch input.
 | CIMLASStretchRenderer |
Represents a LAS stretch renderer.
 | CIMLASUniqueValueRenderer |
Represents a LAS unique value renderer.
 | CIMLatLonFormat |
Represents a latitude and longitude format.
 | CIMLayerAction |
Represents a layer action.
 | CIMLayerDocument |
Represents a layer document which is the document type used for saving .lyrx files.
 | CIMLayerElevationSurface |
Represents a layer elevation surface.
 | CIMLayerRange |
Represents a layer range.
 | CIMLayerTemplate |
Represents a layer template.
 | CIMLayout |
Represents a layout in a project.
 | CIMLayoutDocument |
Represents a layout document which is the document type used for saving .pagx files.
 | CIMLayoutView |
Represents a layout view in the project.
 | CIMLeader |
Represents the generic base type for leaders.
 | CIMLeaderLine |
Represents a leader line.
 | CIMLeaderPoint |
Represents a leader point.
 | CIMLegend |
Represents a legend on a layout.
 | CIMLegendItem |
Represents a legend item.
 | CIMLinearContinuousColorRamp |
Represents a linear continuous color ramp scheme.
 | CIMLineCallout |
Represents a line callout.
 | CIMLineChartMediaInfo |
Represents line chart media info.
 | CIMLineGraphic |
Represents a line graphic.
 | CIMLineOfSightEADefinition |
Represents a line of sight exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMLineSymbol |
Represents a line symbol which is used to draw polyline features or graphics.
 | CIMLinkChart |
Represents a link chart.
 | CIMLinkChartBase |
Represents the base definition of a link chart.
 | CIMLinkChartEntity |
Represents a link chart entity.
 | CIMLinkChartLabelingInfo |
Represents the link chart labeling information.
 | CIMLinkChartLinkDrawingInfo |
Represents the link chart link drawing information.
 | CIMLinkChartLinkLabelingInfo |
Represents the link chart link labeling information.
 | CIMLinkChartNodeDrawingInfo |
Represents the link chart node drawing information.
 | CIMLinkChartNodeLabelingInfo |
Represents the link chart node labeling information.
 | CIMLinkChartRelationship |
Represents a link chart relationship.
 | CIMLocationCondition |
Represents a location condition.
 | CIMLocator |
Represents properties of locator for the map.
 | CIMMap |
Represents a map or scene.
 | CIMMapDocument |
Represents a map document which is the document type used for saving .mapx files.
 | CIMMapElevationSurface |
Represents a map elevation surface.
 | CIMMapFrame |
Represents a map frame on a page layout.
 | CIMMapGrid |
Represents a grid object for a map frame.
 | CIMMapGridEdge |
Represents a map grid edge.
 | CIMMaplexDictionary |
Represents a Maplex dictionary.
 | CIMMaplexDictionaryEntry |
Represents a Maplex dictionary entry.
 | CIMMaplexExternalZonePriorities |
Represents Maplex external zone priorities.
 | CIMMaplexGeneralPlacementProperties |
Represents Maplex general placement properties.
 | CIMMaplexInternalZonePriorities |
Represents Maplex internal zone priorities.
 | CIMMaplexKeyNumberGroup |
Represents a Maplex key number group.
 | CIMMaplexLabelPlacementProperties |
Represents Maplex label placement properties.
 | CIMMaplexLabelStackingProperties |
Represents Maplex label stacking properties.
 | CIMMaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties |
Represents Maplex offset along the line properties.
 | CIMMaplexRotationProperties |
Represents Maplex rotation properties.
 | CIMMaplexStackingSeparator |
Represents a Maplex stacking separator.
 | CIMMaplexStrategyPriorities |
Represents Maplex strategy priorities.
 | CIMMapSeries |
The Map series object represents a means to create multi-page PDF or
based off of fields in the index layer.
 | CIMMapStereoProperties |
Represents map stereo properties.
 | CIMMapSurround |
Represents a map surround on a page layout.
 | CIMMapTableView |
Represents a map table view in the project.
 | CIMMapTimeDisplay |
Represents map time display.
 | CIMMapView |
Represents a map view in the project.
 | CIMMargin |
Represents a margin to apply around the page.
 | CIMMarker |
Represents a marker which is a self-contained shape or image that can draw for a point graphic or placed in a repeating arrangement along a stroke or within a fill. It can be a glyph from a font, a picture, a collection of vector geometries, or a 3D model.
 | CIMMarkerFillPlacement |
Represents a marker fill placement.
 | CIMMarkerGraphic |
Represents a marker graphic which is used to define vector graphics in a vector marker.
 | CIMMarkerNorthArrow |
Represents a marker north arrow on a page layout.
 | CIMMarkerPlacement |
Represents a marker placement.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementAlongLine |
Represents marker placement along the line which defines how a marker is placed along a line or polygon outline.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementAlongLineRandomSize |
Represents marker placement along the line which places randomly sized markers evenly along a line or polygon outline.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementAlongLineSameSize |
Represents marker placement along the line which places markers that are the same size evenly along a line or polygon outline.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementAlongLineVariableSize |
Represents marker placement along the line which places markers in either increasing, decreasing or alternating gradations along a line or polygon outline.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementAtExtremities |
Represents marker placement at extremities which places markers at only one or both endpoints of a line.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementAtMeasuredUnits |
Represents marker placement at geometry M values.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementAtRatioPositions |
Represents marker placement at ratio positions which places a set number of markers along the line or the outline of a polygon.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementInsidePolygon |
Represents marker placement inside a polygon which defines how a polygon is filled with a pattern of markers.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementOnLine |
Represents a marker placement on the line.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementOnVertices |
Represents a marker placement on vertices which places a single marker on a line or polygon outline at a set distance from the middle or one of the endpoints.
 | CIMMarkerPlacementPolygonCenter |
Represents marker placement polygon center which defines how a single marker will be placed within the polygon.
 | CIMMarkerStrokePlacement |
Represents a marker stroke placement.
 | CIMMaterialProperties |
Represents material properties.
 | CIMMaterialSymbolLayer |
Represents a material which defines how the multipatch or mesh is drawn.
 | CIMMeasuredGrid |
Represents a measured grid of the mapFrame.
 | CIMMediaInfo |
Represents media info.
 | CIMMeshEdge |
Represents a stroke drawn at specified edges of a mesh.
 | CIMMeshSymbol |
Represents a mesh symbol which is used to draw multipatch features or mesh features.
 | CIMMeterReferenceGuide |
Provides a set of instructions and examples that enable users to compose standard grid reference.
 | CIMMeterReferenceProperties |
Defines the display properties of the meter reference guide.
 | CIMMGRSGridLine |
Represents a gridLine to draw the 100,000 MGRS grids.
 | CIMModuleSettings |
Represents module settings in the project.
 | CIMMosaicLayer |
Represents a mosaic layer corresponding to a mosaic dataset.
 | CIMMosaicRule |
Represents a mosaic rule.
 | CIMMultiLayerSymbol |
Represents a multilayer symbol, a generic type for point, line, and polygon symbols, specifying that they can contain more than one symbol layers.
 | CIMMultilevelColorVisualVariable |
Represents a color visual variable with different levels-of-detail.
 | CIMMultilevelVisualVariable |
Represents a visual variable with different levels-of-detail, each with its own minimum and maximum data values. Used for binning layers.
 | CIMMultipartColorRamp |
Represents a multipart color ramp scheme.
 | CIMMultipatchFeatureTemplate |
Represents a multipatch feature template.
 | CIMMultipatchFeatureTemplateModel |
Represents a multipatch feature template model.
 | CIMMultiPatchGraphic |
Represents a shape graphic with a MultiPatch geometry.
 | CIMMultipointGraphic |
Represents a shape graphic with a Multipoint geometry.
 | CIMNALayer |
Represents a network analysis layer.
 | CIMNestedLegendItem |
Represents a nested legend item in a legend.
 | CIMNetCDFRasterDataConnection |
Represents a NetCDF raster data connection.
 | CIMNetCDFStandardDataConnection |
Represents a NetCDF standard data connection.
 | CIMNetworkDatasetElementCompositeRenderer |
Represents a network dataset element composite renderer.
 | CIMNetworkDatasetLayer |
Represents a network dataset layer.
 | CIMNetworkDatasetRenderer |
Represents a network dataset renderer.
 | CIMNetworkDatasetSimpleRenderer |
Represents a network dataset simple renderer.
 | CIMNetworkDatasetTrafficRenderer |
Represents a network dataset traffic renderer.
 | CIMNetworkSourceDisplayFilter |
Represents a network source display filter.
 | CIMNitfImageSubLayer |
Represents NITF image sub layer.
 | CIMNitfLayer |
Represents a NITF composite layer.
 | CIMNorthArrow |
Represents a north arrow on a page layout.
 | CIMNumberFormat |
Represents a number format.
 | CIMNumericFormat |
Represents a numeric format.
 | CIMNumericFormatBase |
Represents the numeric format base class.
 | CIMObject |
Represents the base CIM object class.
 | CIMObject3DRenderingFilter |
Represents a 3D object rendering filter.
 | CIMObject3DRenderingFilterAuthoringInfo |
Represents a filter authoring info.
 | CIMObject3DRenderingFilterBlock |
Represents a 3D object rendering filter block.
 | CIMObject3DRenderingFilterBlockAuthoringInfo |
Represents a filter block authoring info.
 | CIMObject3DRenderingFilterState |
Represents a 3D object rendering filter value.
 | CIMObjectMarker3D |
Represents a marker symbol for 3D objects.
 | CIMObjectMarker3DLOD |
Represents a level of detail of an object marker 3D.
 | CIMOrthoRectification |
Represents orthorectification properties.
 | CIMPage |
Represents the page information associated with a layout.
 | CIMPageDefinition |
Represents page definition.
 | CIMPansharpeningFilter |
Represents a pansharpening filter.
 | CIMParagraphTextGraphic |
Represents a paragraph text graphic.
 | CIMParcelFabricLayer |
Represents a parcel fabric layer.
 | CIMParcelLayer |
Represents a parcel fabric layer.
 | CIMPercentageFormat |
Represents a percentage format.
 | CIMPictureFill |
Represents a picture fill which fills polygonal geometry with a picture. Supported file types are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .gif.
 | CIMPictureGraphic |
Represents a picture graphic.
 | CIMPictureMarker |
Represents a picture marker created from a raster (bitmapped) image file. The image can have color substitutions to replace one or more colors in the image or it can have a tint applied to the whole image depending on the picture type. Supported formats are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .gif.
 | CIMPictureStroke |
Represents a picture stroke which draws linear geometry with a repeating image file. Supported file types are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .gif.
 | CIMPieChartMarker |
Represents a pie chart marker which is a marker that draws numeric values arranged in a circle.
 | CIMPieChartMediaInfo |
Represents pie chart media info.
 | CIMPointCloudAlgorithm |
Represents a point cloud algorithm.
 | CIMPointCloudBitFieldFilter |
Represents a point cloud bit field filter.
Filters based on the bit-wise representation of the provided field. /// For a point to be retained, its attribute field bits must match /// BitsToSet and BitsToClear. Bits which are not explicitly clear nor /// set, are ignored.
 | CIMPointCloudClassBreaksRenderer |
Represents a point cloud class breaks renderer.
 | CIMPointCloudFilter |
Represents a point cloud filter.
 | CIMPointCloudFixedSizeAlgorithm |
Represents a point cloud fixed size algorithm.
 | CIMPointCloudLayer |
Represents a point cloud layer.
 | CIMPointCloudRenderer |
Represents a point cloud renderer.
 | CIMPointCloudReturnFilter |
Represents a point cloud return filter.
 | CIMPointCloudRGBRenderer |
Represents a point cloud RGB renderer.
 | CIMPointCloudSplatAlgorithm |
Represents a point cloud splat algorithm.
 | CIMPointCloudStretchRenderer |
Represents a point cloud stretch renderer.
 | CIMPointCloudUniqueValueRenderer |
Represents a point cloud unique value renderer.
 | CIMPointCloudValueFilter |
Represents a point cloud value filter.
Filter points based on the value of an specified attribute.
 | CIMPointGraphic |
Represents a point graphic.
 | CIMPointSymbol |
Represents a point symbol used to draw point features and point graphics.
 | CIMPointSymbolCallout |
Represents a point symbol callout which draws a point symbol as the background and a line symbol for leaders. Often used for highway shields.
 | CIMPolarContinuousColorRamp |
Represents a polar continuous color ramp scheme.
 | CIMPolygonGraphic |
Represents a polygon graphic.
 | CIMPolygonSymbol |
Represents a polygon symbol which is used to draw polygon features or polygon graphics.
 | CIMPopupInfo |
Represents pop-up info.
 | CIMPopupLayout |
Represents a grid layout for pop-up media infos.
 | CIMPrimitiveOverride |
Represents a primitive override.
 | CIMPrinterPreferences |
Represents the printer preferences associated with a layout.
 | CIMProceduralSymbolLayer |
Represents a procedural symbol layer which defines rendering using script-based logic to construct complex 3D objects and textures from simple geometries. Properties of the symbol are derived from a rule package (.rpk file).
 | CIMProfileFrame |
Layout element used to draw Profile view of
Runway, Terrain, obstacles and Obstruction Identification Surfaces (OIS).
 | CIMProfileGrid |
Grid shown for the profile.
 | CIMProfileObstacle |
Represents common properties for all the obstacles.
 | CIMProfileOIS |
Defines the properties for OIS features.
 | CIMProfilePointObstacle |
Defines the properties for a Point obstacle.
 | CIMProfilePolyObstacle |
Represents a profile poly obstacle.
 | CIMProfileRunway |
Display properties for Runway.
 | CIMProfileTerrain |
Display properties for Terrain.
 | CIMProfileTerrainDisplay |
Settings to control how the terrain information is being displayed in the profile.
 | CIMProjectItem |
Represents an item in the project.
 | CIMProjectServerConnection |
Represents a project server connection.
 | CIMProportionalPieSizeOptions |
Represents proportional pie size options.
 | CIMProportionalRenderer |
Represents a proportional renderer.
 | CIMRandomHSVColorRamp |
Represents a random HSV color ramp scheme.
 | CIMRange |
Represents a range.
 | CIMRangeDefinition |
Represents a range definition.
 | CIMRangeVariable |
Represents a range variable.
 | CIMRasterBandDataConnection |
Represents a raster band data connection.
 | CIMRasterClassBreak |
Represents a raster class break.
 | CIMRasterClassifyColorizer |
Represents a raster classify colorizer.
 | CIMRasterCMYKColorizer |
Represents a raster CMYK colorizer.
 | CIMRasterColorCorrection |
Represents a raster color correction configuration.
 | CIMRasterColorizer |
Represents a raster colorizer.
 | CIMRasterColorizerMapping |
Represents a raster colorizer mapping.
 | CIMRasterColorMapColorizer |
Represents a raster color map colorizer.
 | CIMRasterDimensionalDefinition |
Represents a set of criteria used to define the multidimensional extent of a raster layer.
 | CIMRasterDiscreteColorColorizer |
Represents a raster discrete color colorizer.
 | CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo |
Represents raster histogram custom stretch edit info.
 | CIMRasterLayer |
Represents a raster layer which displays raster imagery stored in a raster dataset.
 | CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition |
Represents a multidimensional display definition for the current display slice.
 | CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition |
Represents a multidimensional extent applicable to a raster layer.
 | CIMRasterRGBColorizer |
Represents a raster RGB colorizer.
 | CIMRasterStretchClass |
Represents a raster stretch class.
 | CIMRasterStretchColorizer |
Represents a raster stretch colorizer.
 | CIMRasterTable |
Represents a raster table.
 | CIMRasterUniqueValueClass |
Represents a raster unique value class.
 | CIMRasterUniqueValueColorizer |
Represents a raster unique value colorizer.
 | CIMRasterUniqueValueGroup |
Represents a raster unique value group.
 | CIMRasterVectorFieldColorizer |
Represents a raster vector field colorizer.
 | CIMRateFormat |
Represents a rate format.
 | CIMReferenceGrid |
Defines a reference grid.
 | CIMReferenceGridLabelTemplate |
Defines the label template for the reference grids.
 | CIMRelatedReportSection |
Represents a Related Report section of a report.
 | CIMRelateInfo |
Represents relate info.
 | CIMRelateInfoBase |
Represents relate base.
 | CIMRelQueryTableDataConnection |
Represents a RelQuery table data connection.
 | CIMRenderer |
Represents a renderer.
 | CIMRendererAuthoringInfo |
Represents additional authoring properties used by a renderer.
 | CIMRenderingRule |
Represents a raster rendering rule.
 | CIMReport |
Represents a report in a project.
 | CIMReportDataSource |
Represents the data source properties of a report. The data source can be a map member or external data.
 | CIMReportDetails |
Represents a details section of a report.
 | CIMReportDocument |
Represents a report document which is the document type used for saving .rlfx files.
 | CIMReportElementFieldProperties |
Represents field properties that will be applied to an element in a report.
 | CIMReportField |
Represents a field in a report.
 | CIMReportFooter |
Represents a report footer in a report.
 | CIMReportHeader |
Represents a report header section in a report.
 | CIMReportPageFooter |
Represents a page footer in a report.
 | CIMReportPageHeader |
Represents a page header section in a report.
 | CIMReportSection |
Gets or sets the data source for a report.
 | CIMReportSectionElement |
Represents a section of elements in a report.
 | CIMReportWatermark |
Represents a watermark in a report.
 | CIMRepresentationRenderer |
Represents a representation renderer.
 | CIMRGBColor |
Represents a color in the RGB color model.
 | CIMRotationVisualVariable |
Represents a rotation visual variable.
 | CIMRouteEventDataConnection |
Represents a route event data connection.
 | CIMRuleSymbolLayerNames |
Represents rule symbol layer names.
 | CIMScale |
Represents a 2D scale or 3D Distance.
 | CIMScaleBar |
Represents a scale bar on a page layout.
 | CIMScaleDependentSizeVariation |
Represents the scale dependent size variations for a symbol reference.
 | CIMScaleFormat |
Represents the scale formatting options.
 | CIMScaleLine |
Represents a Scale line on a page layout.
 | CIMSceneDataConnection |
Represents a scene data connection.
 | CIMSceneServiceLayer |
Represents a scene service layer.
 | CIMScientificNumberFormat |
Represents scientific number format.
 | CIMSegmentationProfile |
Business Analyst segmentation profile. Segmentation profile represents distribution
of the market (e.g. people or households) between the segments of the segmentation system.
For example, it could represent the distribution of the customer base between the segments.
Segmentation profile can include the volumetric information in addition to the counts,
e.g. it could also provide the distribution of the sales between segments.
 | CIMSegmentationProfileDocument |
Represents a document used for saving segmentation profile.
 | CIMSegmentationTarget |
Business Analyst segmentation target. Target is a collection of market segments
that are treated as a whole. A user might apply the same marketing strategy to
all segments in a target, for example.
 | CIMSegmentationTargetGroup |
Business Analyst target group. Target group represents a collection of targets.
 | CIMSegmentationTargetGroupDocument |
Represents a document used for saving target group.
 | CIMSegmentationTargetGroupVisualizationProperties |
Visualization properties of Business Analyst Segmentation target group.
 | CIMServerConnection |
Represents a server connection.
 | CIMServiceConnection |
Represents a service connection.
 | CIMServiceLayer |
Represents a service layer.
 | CIMShapeGraphic |
Represents a shape graphic, the generic base class for geometry based graphics.
 | CIMShapeVertex |
Represents a shape vertex.
 | CIMShapeVertices |
Represents shape vertices.
 | CIMSimpleGridLabelTemplate |
Represents a simple format for a label.
 | CIMSimpleLineCallout |
Represents a simple line callout for drawing basic leader lines.
 | CIMSimpleRenderer |
Represents a simple renderer.
 | CIMSingleFillScaleBar |
Represents and single fill scale bar on a page layout.
 | CIMSizeVisualVariable |
Represents a size visual variable.
 | CIMSliceBoxEADefinition |
Represents a slice box exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMSliceCylinderEADefinition |
Represents a slice cylinder exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMSlicePlaneEADefinition |
Represents a slice plane exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMSliceSphereEADefinition |
Represents a slice sphere exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMSliderSettings |
Represents slider settings.
 | CIMSlopeGuide |
A slope guide surround element which is used to ascertaining terrain slope graphically /// as a percentage and a gradient (degree).
 | CIMSnappingProperties |
Represents snapping properties.
 | CIMSolidFill |
Represents a solid fill which fills polygonal geometry with a single solid color.
 | CIMSolidMeshEdge |
Represents a stroke drawn at specified edges of a mesh using solid color.
 | CIMSolidStroke |
Represents a solid stroke which draws linear geometry with a single solid color.
 | CIMSpatialMapSeries |
Spatial Map Series is a means to create a series of map pages based /// off of spatial features.
 | CIMSpotColor |
Represents a spot color.
 | CIMSpotColorSpace |
Represents a color space for spot colors.
 | CIMSqlQueryDataConnection |
Represents a SQL query data connection.
 | CIMStackedBarChartMarker |
Represents a stacked bar chart marker which is a chart made of vertical stacked bars displaying values.
 | CIMStandaloneTable |
Represents a standalone table.
 | CIMStandaloneVideo |
Represents a standalone video.
 | CIMStandardDataConnection |
Represents a standard data connection, the most common data connection type.
 | CIMStandardGeneralPlacementProperties |
Represents standard label engine general placement properties.
 | CIMStandardLabelPlacementProperties |
Represents standard label engine label placement properties.
 | CIMStandardLineLabelPosition |
Represents standard label engine line label position.
 | CIMStandardLineLabelPriorities |
Represents standard label engine line label priorities.
 | CIMStandardPointPlacementPriorities |
Represents standard label engine point placement priorities.
 | CIMStandardServiceConnection |
Represents a standard service connection.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollection |
A statistical data collection is used by the Business Analyst to organize and present data that can be aggregated by the enrich functionality. This is not the storage of the data, it is metadata about the data that describes how data will be aggregated by Business Analyst. Currently, data can be calculated by defining what data collections and analysis variables are needed in the output for a given input features.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollectionCalculator |
Base class for statistical data collection calculator.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollectionDocument |
Represents a document used for saving statistical data collections.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollectionFeatureLayerCalculator |
Statistical data collection calculator based on a feature layer.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollectionField |
Represents a field of a statistical data collection that matches to existing field in referenced feature dataset.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollectionScriptCalculator |
Statistical data collection calculator based on a scripts that use fields from other calculators.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollectionStandardDataCalculator |
Statistical data collection calculator based on a standard local data.
 | CIMStatisticalDataCollectionStandardVariable |
Represents a field of a statistical data collection that matches to an existing variable in referenced feature dataset.
 | CIMStreamServiceDataConnection |
Represents a stream service data connection.
 | CIMStringMap |
Represents a string map of key value pairs.
 | CIMStroke |
Represents a stroke which defines how line geometry or the outline of polygon geometry is drawn.
 | CIMSubLayer |
Represents sublayer.
 | CIMSubLayerBase |
Represents sublayer base class.
 | CIMSubtypeGroupLayer |
Represents a subtype group layer that works with feature classes enabled with subtypes.
 | CIMSubtypeGroupLayerBase |
Represents a subtype layer base class that works with feature classes enabled with subtypes.
 | CIMSuppressActivity |
Represents suppress activity.
 | CIMSymbol |
Represents a symbol. A symbol is used to describe how a geometric shape, such as that from a graphic or feature, is displayed.
 | CIMSymbolIdentifier |
Represents a symbol identifier.
 | CIMSymbolLayer |
Represents a symbol layer. Symbol layers are the components that make up a symbol. A symbol layer is represented by a stroke, fill, marker, or procedural symbol layer.
 | CIMSymbolLayerDrawing |
Represents symbol layer drawing properties.
 | CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier |
Represents symbol layer identifier.
 | CIMSymbolLayerMasking |
Represents symbol layer masking.
 | CIMSymbolReference |
Represents a symbol reference.
 | CIMTabGridLine |
Defines a tab for a MapGrid.
 | CIMTableField |
Represents properties for a table field.
 | CIMTableFrame |
Layout element used to display tabular data.
 | CIMTableFrameField |
Display properties for fields in a table frame.
 | CIMTableMediaInfo |
Represents table media info.
 | CIMTableQueryNameDataConnection |
Represents a table query name data connection.
 | CIMTableView |
Represents a table view in the project.
 | CIMTemporalDataConnection |
Represents a temporal data connection.
 | CIMTerrainAttributeRenderer |
Represents a terrain attribute renderer.
 | CIMTerrainDirtyAreaRenderer |
Represents a terrain dirty area renderer.
 | CIMTerrainLayer |
Represents a terrain layer.
 | CIMTerrainPointAttributeGraduatedRenderer |
Represents a terrain point attribute graduated renderer.
 | CIMTerrainPointAttributeUniqueRenderer |
Represents a terrain point attribute unique renderer.
 | CIMTerrainPointElevationRenderer |
Represents a terrain point elevation renderer.
 | CIMTextGraphic |
Represents a text graphic.
 | CIMTextGraphicBase |
Represents a text graphic base class, the generic base class for text based graphics.
 | CIMTextMargin |
Represents a text margin which defines the margin to apply around text.
 | CIMTextMediaInfo |
Represents text media info.
 | CIMTextSymbol |
Represents a text symbol which is used to draw text graphics, bleeds, and annotation. Text symbols do not contain any symbol layers but can have callouts.
 | CIMTick |
Represents a tick of a grid.
 | CIMTiledServiceLayer |
Represents a tiled service layer.
 | CIMTimeDataDefinition |
Represents a time data definition.
 | CIMTimeDimensionDefinition |
Represents a time dimension definition.
 | CIMTimeDisplayDefinition |
Represents a time display definition.
 | CIMTimeTableDefinition |
Represents a time table definition.
 | CIMTinBreaklineRenderer |
Represents a TIN breakline renderer.
 | CIMTinColorRampRenderer |
Represents a TIN color ramp renderer.
 | CIMTinContourRenderer |
Represents a TIN contour renderer.
 | CIMTinEdgeRenderer |
Represents a TIN edge renderer.
 | CIMTinFaceClassBreaksRenderer |
Represents a TIN face class breaks renderer.
 | CIMTinFaceRenderer |
Represents a TIN face renderer.
 | CIMTinFaceValueRenderer |
Represents a TIN face value renderer.
 | CIMTinLayer |
Represents a TIN layer which displays TIN data sources, a data structure that represents terrain data as a triangulated irregular network.
 | CIMTinNodeElevationRenderer |
Represents a TIN node elevation renderer.
 | CIMTinNodeRenderer |
Represents a TIN node renderer.
 | CIMTinNodeValueRenderer |
Represents a TIN node value renderer.
 | CIMTinRenderer |
Represents a TIN renderer.
 | CIMTinSimpleRenderer |
Represents a TIN simple renderer.
 | CIMTinUniqueValueRenderer |
Represents a TIN unique value renderer.
 | CIMTMElevationGuideBarElement |
Represents TM Elevation Guide Bar surround element.
 | CIMTopologyLayer |
Represents a topology dataset as a layer and draws its errors,
exceptions, and areas in need of validation.
 | CIMTopoNorthArrow |
Represents a topographic north arrow which displays declination of true, grid and magnetic north.
 | CIMTraceNetworkLayer |
Represents a trace network layer.
 | CIMTrackingServerDataConnection |
Represents a tracking server data connection.
 | CIMTransparencyVisualVariable |
Represents a transparency visual variable.
 | CIMUniqueValue |
Represents a unique value.
 | CIMUniqueValueClass |
Represents a unique value class.
 | CIMUniqueValueGroup |
Represents a unique value group.
 | CIMUniqueValueRenderer |
Represents a unique value renderer.
 | CIMUniqueValueRendererAuthoringInfo |
Represents additional authoring properties used by a unique value renderer.
 | CIMUnitSymbolization |
Represents unit symbolization.
 | CIMUtilityNetworkLayer |
Represents a utility network layer.
 | CIMValidationRule |
Represents validation rule that can be configured for a layer or standalone table to find features/rows that violates specified validation constraints.
 | CIMVectorMarker |
Represents a vector marker which can represent vector graphics. It's constructed from MarkerGraphics which are geometries and symbols used as building blocks for the marker.
 | CIMVectorTileDataConnection |
Represents a VectorTile layer data connection.
 | CIMVectorTileLayer |
Represents a VectorTile layer.
 | CIMVersion |
Represents a version object used for representing the saved version.
 | CIMVerticalLegendItem |
Represents a vertical legend item in a legend.
 | CIMVideoDataConnection |
Represents a video data connection.
 | CIMView |
Represents a view in the project.
 | CIMViewCamera |
Represents a view camera.
 | CIMViewDomeEADefinition |
Represents a view dome exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMViewKeyframe |
Represents a view keyframe.
 | CIMViewshedEADefinition |
Represents a viewshed exploratory analysis definition.
 | CIMViewTrack |
Represents a animation view track.
 | CIMVisualVariable |
Represents a visual variable.
 | CIMVisualVariableAuthoringInfo |
Represents visual variable metadata used for authoring.
 | CIMVisualVariableInfo |
Represents visual variable info.
 | CIMVisualVariableLevel |
Represents a level-of-detail for a multilevel visual variable.
 | CIMVoxelColorUniqueValue |
Represents a voxel color unique value.
 | CIMVoxelContinuousStatistics |
Represents continuous voxel volume statistics.
 | CIMVoxelDataConnection |
Represents a voxel data connection.
 | CIMVoxelDiscreteStatistics |
Represents discrete voxel volume statistics.
 | CIMVoxelFilter |
Represents a renderer filter.
 | CIMVoxelFormat |
Represents a voxel format.
 | CIMVoxelLayer |
Represents a voxel layer.
 | CIMVoxelLighting |
Represents voxel lighting.
 | CIMVoxelPlane |
Represents a voxel plane.
 | CIMVoxelRangeValueFilter |
Represents a voxel value filter.
Filter based on the value of an specified variable.
 | CIMVoxelRenderer |
Represents a voxel renderer.
 | CIMVoxelSectionContainer |
Represents a voxel section container.
 | CIMVoxelSliceContainer |
Represents a voxel slice container.
 | CIMVoxelStaticSection |
Represents a voxel static section.
 | CIMVoxelStaticSectionContainer |
Represents a voxel static section container.
 | CIMVoxelStatistics |
Represents voxel volume statistics.
 | CIMVoxelStretchRenderer |
Represents a stretch renderer.
 | CIMVoxelUniqueValueRenderer |
Represents a unique value renderer.
 | CIMVoxelValueFilter |
Represents a voxel value filter.
Filter based on the value of an specified variable.
 | CIMVoxelVariableProfile |
Represents a voxel layer variable profile.
 | CIMWaterFill |
Represents a water fill which fills polygonal geometry with animated water.
 | CIMWCSServiceConnection |
Represents a WCS service connection.
 | CIMWFSServiceConnection |
Represents a WFS service connection.
 | CIMWMSServiceConnection |
Represents a WMS service connection.
 | CIMWMSSubLayer |
Represents a WMS service sublayer.
 | CIMWMTSServiceConnection |
Represents a WMTS service connection.
 | CIMWorkspaceConnection |
Represents a workspace connection.
 | CIMXYEventDataConnection |
Represents an XY event data connection.
 | CIMXYZColor |
Represents a color in the XYZ color model.
 | JsonDeserializationSettings |
A collection of settings that control JSON deserialization.
 | JsonSerializationSettings |
A collection of settings that control JSON serialization.
 | LasFilter |
Las filter.
 | NAAgent |
Represents a generic network analyst agent. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAAgentDefinition |
Represents a generic network analyst agent definition. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAAttributeParameterValue |
Represents a network attribute parameter value. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAClosestFacilitySolver |
Represents a closest facility solver. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NACompactStreetDirectionsAgent |
Represents a network analyst compact street directions agent. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NADirectionsCapableSolverDefinition |
Represents a solver definition that can support directions configurations. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NALocationAllocationSolver |
Represents a location-allocation solver. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NALocator |
Represent a network analyst locator. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NALocatorAgent |
Represents a network analyst locator agent. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NALocatorDefinition |
Represents a network analyst locator definition. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NALocatorFeatureAgent |
Represents a network analyst locator feature agent. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NALocatorLocationFieldsAgent |
Represents a network analyst locator location fields agent. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAODCostMatrixSolver |
Represents an origin-destination cost matrix solver. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NARouteSolver |
Represents a route solver. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAServiceAreaSolver |
Represents a service area solver. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NASolverDefinition |
Represents a solver definition. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAStreetDirectionsAgent |
Represents a network analyst street directions agent. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAStreetDirectionsAgentDefinition |
Represents a network analyst street directions agent definition. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NAVRPSolver |
Represents a vehicle routing problem solver. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NetworkTravelMode |
Represents a network travel mode. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | NetworkTravelModeParameterValue |
Represents a network travel mode parameter value. This class is reserved for esri internal use only.
 | RasterColormap |
Raster color map.
 | Serializer |
Provides static methods that can be used for JSON and XML serialization and deserialization.
 | StatsHistogram |
Represents a raster statistics and histogram class.
 | TimeExtent |
Represents an extent of time defined by a start and end date.
 | TimeInstant |
Represents an instant in time. The time has no duration.
 | TimeReference |
Represents the time zone definition for a given date and time.
 | TimeValue | Represents the base class for TimeExtent and TimeInstant. |