Calculate ATS Route Attributes (Aviation)

Available with Aviation Charting license.


Calculates segment distance and bearing attributes on Air Traffic Service (ATS) route features.

This tool calculates the magnetic track and reverse magnetic track based on the magnetic variation at the endpoints of routes.


  • The Input ATS Route Feature Layer parameter value must be a polyline.

  • If the ATS Route Attributes parameter is set to Magnetic Track or Reverse Magnetic Track, the Magnetic Variation Date parameter must be specified.

  • Caution:

    This tool modifies the input data. See Tools that modify or update the input data for more information and strategies to avoid undesired data changes.

  • The attributes calculated are written to existing fields in the Input ATS Route Feature Layer parameter value. If those fields do not exist, you must add them before running the tool. The specific fields are the following:

    • Length—The route distance from the start to the end
    • Magnetic Track—The adjusted value for magnetic variation from the start to the end of a route
    • Reverse Magnetic Track—The adjusted value for magnetic variation from the end to the start of a route
    • Reverse True Track—The bearing values of the route from the end position to the start of the route
    • True Track—The bearing values of the route from the start position to the end of the route


LabelExplanationData Type
Input ATS Route Feature Layer

The polyline features for which ATS route attributes will be calculated.

Feature Layer
ATS Route Attributes

Specifies the ATS route attributes that will be calculated.

  • Length—The route distance from the start to the end will be calculated.
  • Magnetic Track—The adjusted value for magnetic variation from the start to the end of a route will be calculated.
  • Reverse Magnetic Track—The adjusted value for magnetic variation from the end to the start of a route will be calculated.
  • Reverse True Track—The bearing values of the route from the end position to the start of the route will be calculated.
  • True Track—The bearing values of the route from the start position to the end of the route will be calculated.
Value Table
Magnetic Variation Date

The date for which the magnetic field values will be calculated.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Features

The input ATS route feature layer with the updated fields.

Feature Layer

arcpy.aviation.CalculateATSRouteAttributes(in_features, atsroute_attributes, {magnetic_variation_date})
NameExplanationData Type

The polyline features for which ATS route attributes will be calculated.

Feature Layer

Specifies the ATS route attributes that will be calculated.

  • LENGTH—The route distance from the start to the end will be calculated.
  • MAG_TRACK—The adjusted value for magnetic variation from the start to the end of a route will be calculated.
  • REVERSE_MAG_TRACK—The adjusted value for magnetic variation from the end to the start of a route will be calculated.
  • REVERSE_TRUE_TRACK—The bearing values of the route from the end position to the start of the route will be calculated.
  • TRUE_TRACK—The bearing values of the route from the start position to end of the route will be calculated.
Value Table

The date for which the magnetic field values will be calculated.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The input ATS route feature layer with the updated fields.

Feature Layer

Code sample

CalculateATSRouteAttributes example (stand-alone script)

The following script demonstrates how to use the CalculateATSRouteAttributes function.

import arcpy

# Check Out Aeronautical Extension

#Input ATS Route Feature Layer
in_features = r"C:\data\AIS.gdb\ATSRoutes"

#Add fields in the in_features if not exist already
arcpy.AddField_management(in_features, 'Length', 'DOUBLE')
arcpy.AddField_management(in_features, 'TRUETRACK_VAL', 'DOUBLE')
arcpy.AddField_management(in_features, 'REVERSETRUETRACK_VAL', 'DOUBLE')
arcpy.AddField_management(in_features, 'MAGTRACK_VAL', 'DOUBLE')
arcpy.AddField_management(in_features, 'REVERSE_MAG_TRACK', 'DOUBLE')

#Input ATS Route Attributes to be calculated

#Input Magnetic Variation Date
magnetic_variation="12/31/2021 10:52:18 AM"

# Exceute Calculate ATSRoute Attributes
arcpy.aviation.CalculateATSRouteAttributes(in_features, atsroute_attributes, magnetic_variation)

# Check In Aeronautical Extension


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requires ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Requires ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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