Settings available for administrator control

The sections below provide more information on the settings that you can include in the Pro.settingsConfig file. This includes the functional area, the corresponding setting in the user interface (UI), the default value, and a sample.

The sections below are the same groupings used in the Pro.settingsConfig file.

Application settings

The settings described below should be added under the Application element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, this setting corresponds to the Help Source option, on the General tab on the Options dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<UseLocalHelp isLocked="false">true</UseLocalHelp>


In the user interface, this setting corresponds to the Enable spell checking check box on the Proofing tab on the Options dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<UseSpellCheck isLocked="false">true</UseSpellCheck>


In the user interface, on the General tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to the Application Theme drop-down list.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<UseDarkTheme isLocked="false">true</UseDarkTheme>

Project settings

The settings below should be added under the Projects element in the Pro.settingsConfig file. There are separate settings for local and portal projects within this element.


In the user interface, on the General tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Project Recovery > Create a backup when the project has unsaved changes.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<CreateBackup isLocked="true">true</CreateBackup>


In the user interface, on the General tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Project Recovery > Save a backup after this time interval has elapsed. Use this setting together with the CreateBackup setting.

Possible values are the following:

  • An integer representing minutes. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 999.


The default setting is 5. If isLocked="false" and a value is set, the value is disregarded.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<BackupIntervalMinutes isLocked="true">3</BackupIntervalMinutes>

Local project settings

The settings below should be added under the LocalProject element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the General tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Create projects > Project location.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path


The default option is to save new projects in the default location, which is C:\Users\<username>\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects. If isLocked="false" and a path is specified, the path appears as a suggestion in the Location text box until the user chooses the option to save new projects in a custom location and sets a value.

An example of this setting is shown below.

  <CustomDefaultLocation isLocked="true">\\dataserver1\TeamDefaults\Projects</CustomDefaultLocation>


In the user interface, on the General tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Create projects > Project location > Create a folder for the project. It also corresponds to the Create a folder for this project check box on the New Project dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

  <CreateProjectInNewFolder isLocked="true">false</CreateProjectInNewFolder>


In the user interface, on the Current Settings tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Home folder.

Possible values are the following:

  • A valid folder path


By default, the home folder is the folder in which the project file is stored. If different values are set for the home folder and the project location, the default geodatabase and toolbox are stored in the home folder location (unless there are custom geodatabase and toolbox settings), and the project file is stored in the project location. The home folder value displays only when a project is open.

An example of this setting is shown below.

  <HomeFolder isLocked="true">\\dataserver1\TeamDefaults\Output</HomeFolder>


In the user interface, on the General tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Create projects > Geodatabase.

Possible values are the following:

  • A valid folder path to a file, mobile, or enterprise geodatabase

The default option is to create a default geodatabase for each project. If isLocked="false" and a path is specified, the path appears as a suggestion in the Location text box until the user chooses the option to use the same default geodatabase for all projects and sets a value.

An example of this setting is shown below.

  <DefaultGeodatabase isLocked="true">\\dataserver1\TeamDefaults\Data\TeamData.sde</DefaultGeodatabase>


In the user interface, on the General tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Create projects > Toolbox.

Possible values are the following:

  • A valid folder path to a toolbox, Python toolbox, or legacy toolbox

The default option is to create a default toolbox for each project. If isLocked="false" and a path is specified, the path appears as a suggestion in the Location text box until the user chooses the option to use the same default toolbox for all projects and sets a value.

An example of this setting is shown below.

  <DefaultToolbox isLocked="true">\\dataserver1\TeamDefaults\Tools\TeamTools.atbx</DefaultToolbox>

Map and Scene settings

The settings described below should be added under the MapAndScene element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Basemap.

Possible values are the following:

  • FromPortal (The default basemap of your organization is added. This is the default.)
  • A JSON object or CIM path corresponding to a custom basemap
  • Not set (An empty string. No basemap is added.)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<DefaultBasemapJson isLocked="true">FromPortal</DefaultBasemapJson>


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Add Layer > Make newly added layers visible by default.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<LayerVisibleByDefault isLocked="true">true</LayerVisibleByDefault>


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Spatial Reference.

Possible values are the following:

  • Not set (An empty string. The spatial reference of the first operational layer is used. This is the default.)
  • A spatial reference .xml file


Set the default spatial reference through the application and access the location of the user configuration file from the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Settings\UserConfigLocalRoaming. Within this user configuration file, locate the DefaultSpatialReference setting. Paste this XML inside your administrator setting definition in the Pro.settingsConfig file.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<DefaultSpatialReference isLocked="true">


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Spatial Reference > Warn if transformation between geographic coordinate system is required to align data sources correctly.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<ConfirmTransformation isLocked="true">true</ConfirmTransformation>


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Label Engine > Default label engine.

Possible values are the following:

  • Maplex (default)
  • Standard

An example of this setting is shown below.

<DefaultLabelEngine isLocked="true">Standard</DefaultLabelEngine>


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Ground Elevation Surface.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (A default elevation source is added. This is the default.)
  • false (No elevation source is added.)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<AddDefaultElevationSource isLocked="true">true</AddDefaultElevationSource>


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Ground Elevation Surface > Default Elevation Source.

Possible values are the following:

  • Not set (An empty string; the default elevation service of your organization is added. This is the default.)
  • A data connection .xml file to a custom elevation source


Set the default spatial reference through the application and access the location of the user configuration file from the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Settings\UserConfigLocalRoaming. Within this user configuration file, locate the CustomElevationSourceXml setting. Paste this XML inside your administrator setting definition in the Pro.settingsConfig file.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<CustomElevationSourceXml isLocked="true"> 
				CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type='typens:CIMStandardDataConnection' 


In the user interface, on the Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Feature Cache > Manage feature cache from the Map tab.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<ManageFeatureCaching isLocked="true">true</ManageFeatureCaching>

Catalog settings

The settings described below should be added under the Catalog element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Indexing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Create and manage your own index > Index items.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<EnableIndexing isLocked="true">false</EnableIndexing>


In the user interface, on the Indexing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Create and manage your own index > Content and schedule > Index project items in these locations > Network locations.

Possible values are the following:

  • true—Network locations are indexed.
  • false (default)—Network locations are not indexed.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<IndexNetworkConnections isLocked="true">true</IndexNetworkConnections>


In the user interface, on the Metadata tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Allow geoprocessing history to be deleted from metadata.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<MetadataCanDeleteGPHistory isLocked="true">false</MetadataCanDeleteGPHistory>


In the user interface, on the Metadata tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Metadata style.

Possible values are those that appear in the Metadata Styles drop-down list. These include the following metadata styles that are provided with ArcGIS Pro, and the names of any custom metadata style add-ins that have been installed.

  • FGDC CSDGM Metadata
  • INSPIRE Metadata Directive
  • ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification GML3.2
  • ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification
  • Item Description (default)
  • North American Profile of ISO19115 2003
  • ISO 19115-3 XML Schema Implementation

An example of this setting is shown below.

<MetadataStyle isLocked="true">INSPIRE Metadata Directive</MetadataStyle>


In the user interface, on the Indexing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Use indexes managed by others.

Possible values are the following:

  • A valid folder path or paths


If isLocked="true" the specified path is added to the list of managed indexes. Additional paths can be specified by placing a vertical bar symbol (|) between path names. Specified paths cannot be removed by the user; however, users are not blocked from adding more paths.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<SearchIndexes isLocked="true">\\dataserver1\WorldData_SearchIndex</SearchIndexes>


In the user interface, on the Indexing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Create and manage your own index > Content and schedule > Index project items in these locations > Enterprise geodatabases.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)—Enteprise geodatabases are not indexed.
  • false—Enterprise geodatabases are indexed.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<SkipServerConnections isLocked="true">false</SkipServerConnections>

Navigation settings

The settings described below should be added under the Navigation element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Navigation tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Pop-ups > Show crosshairs when flashing.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<ShowFlashCrosshairs isLocked="true">false</ShowFlashCrosshairs>

Selection settings

The settings described below should be added under the Selection element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Selection tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Keep invisible features selected with a new selection.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<KeepInvisibleFeaturesSelected isLocked="true">false</KeepInvisibleFeaturesSelected>

Editing settings

The settings described below should be added under the Editing element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Editing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Enable and disable editing from the Edit tab > Session in the group .

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<RequireExplicitStartEditing isLocked="false">false</RequireExplicitStartEditing>

Geoprocessing settings

The settings described below should be added under the Geoprocessing element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Logging > Write geoprocessing operations to Geoprocessing History.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<AddHistoryItem isLocked="true">false</AddHistoryItem>


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Set options for running geoprocessing tools and scripts > Add output datasets to an open map.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<AddOutputsToMap isLocked="true">false</AddOutputsToMap>


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Set options for running geoprocessing tools and scripts > Enable Undo toggled on by default.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<EnableUndo isLocked="true">true</EnableUndo>


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Additional information messages > Command syntax.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<MessageLevelCommandSyntax isLocked="true">true</MessageLevelCommandSyntax>


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Additional information messages > Diagnostics.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<MessageLevelDiagnostics isLocked="true">true</MessageLevelDiagnostics>


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Additional information messages > Transformations.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<MessageLevelProjectionTransformation isLocked="true">true</MessageLevelProjectionTransformation>


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Logging > Write geoprocessing operations to dataset metadata.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<RecordGPHistoryInMetadata isLocked="true">false</RecordGPHistoryInMetadata>


In the user interface, on the Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Set options for running geoprocessing tools and scripts > Remove layers that reference data overwritten by geoprocessing tools.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<RemoveOverwrittenLayers isLocked="true">false</RemoveOverwrittenLayers>

Display settings

The settings described below should be added under the Display element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Antialiasing mode.

Possible values are the following:

  • None
  • Normal
  • Fast (default)
  • Best

An example of this setting is shown below.

<AntialiasingMode isLocked="true">Normal</AntialiasingMode>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Text Antialiasing mode.

Possible values are the following:

  • None
  • Normal
  • Force (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<TextAntialiasingMode isLocked="true">Normal</TextAntialiasingMode>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Stereoscopic mode.

Possible values are the following:

  • OFF (default)
  • Native (3D shutter glasses)
  • Anaglyph (3D cyan/red glasses)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<StereoscopicMode isLocked="true">Anaglyph</StereoscopicMode>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Rendering mode.

Possible values are the following:

An example of this setting is shown below.

<RenderingMode isLocked="true">OpenGL</RenderingMode>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Rendering quality.

Possible values are the following:

  • 0 (Low.)
  • 1 (Middle.)
  • 2 (High. This is the default.)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<RenderingQuality isLocked="true">1</RenderingQuality>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Enable vertical synchronization.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<EnableVSync isLocked="true">false</EnableVSync>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Enable hardware antialiasing.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<EnableRenderingAntialiasing isLocked="true">true</EnableRenderingAntialiasing>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Local cache.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid local folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<LocalCacheFolderPath isLocked="true">C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\LocalCaches2</LocalCacheFolderPath>


In the user interface, on the Display tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Clear Cache each time the application closes.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<ClearCacheWhenAppClosing isLocked="true">true</ClearCacheWhenAppClosing>

Text and Graphics settings

The settings described below should be added under the TextAndGraphics element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Text and Graphics tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Default Font > Font name.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid font family name

Set the default font through the application and access the value from the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Symbology\Settings\DefaultFontName.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<DefaultFontName isLocked="true">Arial Narrow</DefaultFontName>


In the user interface, on the Text and Graphics tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Default Font > Font style.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid font style name

Set the default font style through the application and access the value from the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Symbology\Settings\DefaultFontStyle.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<DefaultFontStyle isLocked="true">Italic</DefaultFontStyle>


In the user interface, on the Text and Graphics tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Default Font > Modify variable font axis values.


This option is only available when a variable font is specified for the default font name. It is locked when the DefaultFontStyle setting is true.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid axes tag. Examples include the following:
    • wght (weight)
    • wdth (width)
    • slnt (slant)
    • ital (italic)
    • opsz (optical size)

Set the default font variation settings through the application and access the XML from the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Symbology\Settings\DefaultFontVariationXml. Paste this XML inside the DefaultFontVariationSettings node of the Pro.settingsConfig file.

An example of this setting is shown below.

  <ArrayOfCIMFontVariation xsi:type='typens:ArrayOfCIMFontVariation' 
    xmlns:xs='' xmlns:typens=''>
    <CIMFontVariation xsi:type='typens:CIMFontVariation'><TagName>wght</TagName><Value>300</Value>
    <CIMFontVariation xsi:type='typens:CIMFontVariation'><TagName>wdth</TagName><Value>87</Value>

Color Management settings

The settings described below should be added under the ColorManagement element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Color Management tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Default color model for new items.

Possible values are the following:

  • RGB (default)
  • CMYK

An example of this setting is shown below.

<WorkingColorSpaceForNewItems isLocked="true">CMYK</WorkingColorSpaceForNewItems>


In the user interface, on the Color Management tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Enable color management.

Possible values are the following:

  • false (default)
  • true

An example of this setting is shown below.

<EnableColorManagement isLocked="true">true</EnableColorManagement>


In the user interface, on the Color Management tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to RGB.

Possible values are the following:

  • sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (default)
  • Any installed RGB color profiles

An example of this setting is shown below.

<RGBColorProfile isLocked="true">sRGB IEC61966-2.1</RGBColorProfile>


In the user interface, on the Color Management tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to CMYK.

Possible values are the following:

  • U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 (default)
  • Any installed CMYK color profiles

An example of this setting is shown below.

<CMYKColorProfile isLocked="true">U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2</CMYKColorProfile>


In the user interface, on the Color Management tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Color conversion rule.

Possible values are the following:

  • PreserveColorAppearance (default)
  • PreserveColorValues

An example of this setting is shown below.

<ColorConversionRule isLocked="true">PreserveColorValues</ColorConversionRule>


In the user interface, on the Color Management tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Rendering intent.

Possible values are the following:

  • RelativeColorimetric (default)
  • Perceptual
  • Saturation
  • AbsoluteColorimetric

An example of this setting is shown below.

<RenderingIntent isLocked="true">Perceptual</RenderingIntent>


In the user interface, on the Color Management tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Use black point compensation.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<EnableDefaultBlackPointCompensation isLocked="true">false

Table settings

The settings described below should be added under the Table element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Table tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Hide the 'Click to add new row' option for feature class tables.

Possible values are the following:

  • true
  • false (default)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<DisableAddRow isLocked="true">true</DisableAddRow>


In the user interface, on the Security tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Allow web links.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<AllowWebLinks isLocked="true">false</AllowWebLinks>


Use this setting if AllowWebLinks is set to true. In the user interface, on the Security tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Allow web links > Supported URI schemes.

Many URI schemes are supported. Open the Security options and browse the list to see the available choices. Additional URI schemes can be added.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<SupportedUriSchemeList isLocked="true">ftp,ftps,http</SupportedUriSchemeList>


In the user interface, on the Security tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Allow file links.

Possible values are the following:

  • true (default)
  • false

An example of this setting is shown below.

<AllowFileLinks isLocked="true">false</AllowFileLinks>


Use this setting if AllowFileLinks is set to true. In the user interface, on the Security tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Allow file links > Supported file extensions.

Many file extensions are supported. Open the Security options and browse the list to see the available choices. Additional file extensions can be added.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<SupportedFileExtensionList isLocked="true">.7z,.csv</SupportedFileExtensionList>


In the user interface, on the Table tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Set options for table appearance > Table font.

Possible values are those that appear in the Font drop-down list. Segoe UI is the default.

An example of this setting is shown below.

<FontName isLocked="true">Tahoma</FontName>


In the user interface, on the Table tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Set options for table appearance > Table font.

Possible values are the following, which appear in the Size drop-down list:

  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11 (default)
  • 12
  • 14
  • 16
  • 18
  • 20
  • 22
  • 24
  • 26
  • 28
  • 36
  • 48
  • 72

An example of this setting is shown below.

<FontSize isLocked="true">11</FontSize>

Report settings

The settings described below should be added under the Report element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Report tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Custom template path.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<ReportCustomTemplatePath isLocked="true">C:\Users\<name>\Documents\ArcGIS\ReportTemplates

Layout settings

The settings described below should be added under the Layout element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Layout tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Import gallery path.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<TemplatePath isLocked="true">C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\LayoutTemplates

Share and Download settings

The settings described below should be added under the ShareDownload element in the Pro.settingsConfig file.


In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Staging.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<StagingPath isLocked="true"> C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\ArcGISPro\Staging\SharingProcesses


In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Project Packages and Project Templates.

Possible values are the following:

  • 0 (Unpack to this location. This is the default.)
  • 1 (Ask where to save before unpacking.)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<UnpackingProjectPackageOption isLocked="true">0


Use this setting if UnpackingProjectPackageOption is set to 0. In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Unpack to this location > Project Packages and Project Templates.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<UnpackingProjectPackagePath isLocked="true"> C:\Users\<name>\Documents\ArcGIS\Packages


In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Other Packages and Files.

Possible values are the following:

  • 0 (Unpack to this location. This is the default.)
  • 1 (Ask where to save before unpacking.)
  • 2 (Unpack to the project's home folder.)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<UnpackingOtherPackagesOption isLocked="true">0</UnpackingOtherPackagesOption>


Use this setting if UnpackingOtherPackagesOption is set to 0. In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Unpack to this location > Other Packages and Files.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<UnpackingOtherPackagesPath isLocked="false">C:\Users\<name>\Documents\ArcGIS\Packages


In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Offline Maps.

Possible values are the following:

  • 0 (Download maps to this location.)
  • 1 (Ask where to save before unpacking.)
  • 2 (Download maps to the project's home folder. This is the default.)

An example of this setting is shown below.

<OfflineMapsOption isLocked="true">0</OfflineMapsOption>


Use this setting if OfflineMapsOption is set to 0. In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Download maps to this location > Offline Maps.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<OfflineMapsPath isLocked="true"> C:\Users\<name>\Documents\ArcGIS\OfflineMaps


In the user interface, on the Share and Download tab on the Options dialog box, this setting corresponds to Map and Layout Presets.

Possible values are the following:

  • Any valid folder path

An example of this setting is shown below.

<MapLayoutPresetsPath isLocked="false">C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\ArcGISPro\ExportPresets

Authentication settings

The settings below should be added under the Authentication element in the Pro.settingsConfig file. One set of AuthConnection elements is required for each authentication connection you want to manage.


In the user interface, authentication connections appear on the Authentication tab on the Options dialog box. Each AuthConnection element must include all the elements that correspond to connection properties on the Add Connection dialog box.

An example of this setting is shown below.

  <AuthConnection isLocked="true">


In the user interface, this property corresponds to the Connection Name text box on the Add Connection dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • A valid connection name. Connection names are limited to 50 characters and cannot contain a backslash ( \ ).

An example of this setting is shown below.



In the user interface, this property corresponds to the Type setting on the Add Connection dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • Azure (Microsoft Azure AD)

An example of this setting is shown below.



In the user interface, this property corresponds to the Azure Environment options on the Add Connection dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • AzureGlobal (Azure)
  • AzureChina (Azure China)
  • AzureUSGovt (Azure US Government)

An example of this setting is shown below.



In the user interface, this property corresponds to the Microsoft Azure AD Domain text box on the Add Connection dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • Microsoft Azure AD domain name

An example of this setting is shown below.



In the user interface, this property corresponds to the Client ID text box on the Add Connection dialog box.

Possible values are the following:

  • Client ID for ArcGIS Pro

An example of this setting is shown below.
