Reshape can reshape shared topological boundaries. If map topology is turned on, the linear shape you draw across an edge replaces existing topology edges where the first and last segment cross or touch one or more topologically connected features. This tool is available in the Modify Features pane.
When multiple features are selected, you can refine the selection in the pane and choose the features to be modified. If your edits break the topology graph, an error message appears in the pane and your changes are canceled.
To reshape topology edges, complete the following steps:
- On the ribbon, click the Edit tab, turn on Map Topology, and show the Modify Features pane.
- In the Manage Edits group, click the Map Topology
drop-down arrow and enable map topology.
- In the Features group, click Modify
- In the Manage Edits group, click the Map Topology
- In the Modify Features pane, expand Reshape and click Reshape
- In the Reshape pane, click the Edges tab.
The topology graph highlights in the map.
- Click Select one or more edges
and click the edge you want to reshape.
- To split the connection between one or more topology edges, disable editing for the feature or turn the selection off in the selection tree view.
- Uncheck the feature to temporarily disable editing and keep it in the selection.
- Click the feature button to turn the feature selection on or off.
- Click the feature name to flash the feature in the map
- Draw the new boundary across the existing edge so that it crosses or touches the edge in at least two places.
The first and last segment must cross or touch one or more contiguous features.
- Click Finish
or press the F2 key to apply your changes.