Once configured, the rainfall rate of a flood simulation can be exported to a .csv file and reused by others. This can be useful for running standardized scenarios, such as the local definition of the 100 year flood, or recreating the results of a specific storm.
Export a rainfall configuration
You can create a .csv file containing the current simulation settings.
- With the Configure Simulation pane open and the simulation selected in the Contents pane, click the green arrow
The Save window appears.
- Browse to the location where you want to save the file.
- Type the file name.
- Click Save to create the .csv file.
Import a rainfall configuration
Rainfall configuration can be imported from a .csv file. The file may only contain three columns and they must be in the following order:
- Seconds
- Rate
- Unit
To import a .csv file containing the rainfall configuration, complete the following steps:
- With the Configure Simulation pane open and the simulation selected in the Contents pane, click the orange arrow
The Load window appears.
- Browse to the location of the .csv file you want to add.
- Select it and click OK.
The rainfall rate configuration loads.
If the rainfall rate fails to load, review the file to confirm the field names and order match the required setup.