You can use table templates directly in the Create Features and Attributes panes or add them to existing feature templates to automatically insert rows into related tables when a feature is created.
Use the Create Features pane
Use a table template in the Create Features pane to directly insert one or more rows into a target table and ignore any relationships in which the table is participating. You can override the set number of rows in the Active Template view.
To directly use a table template, complete the following steps:
- On the Edit ribbon tab, click Create
The Create Features pane appears.
- Click a table template.
Table templates appear with a name and a table template icon
- Click the Active Template button
The Active Template view appears.
- Specify the number of rows.
- Click Create.
Use the Attributes pane
Use the Insert Row command in the Attributes pane to insert one or more rows into a table for a selected feature. You can select a feature in the active map or select a row in an open table.
- On the Edit ribbon tab, click the Attributes command
in the Selection group.
The Attributes pane appears.
- Click the Selection tab in the Attributes pane.
- Click the Select tool
and select the features.
Alternatively, right-click the table in the Contents pane, click Open
, and select a row in the table.
The selected feature appears in the pane selection tree view.
- Expand the selection in the pane's selection view, right-click the table name, and click Insert Row
The Insert Row dialog box appears.
- Choose a table template and specify the number of rows.
- Click OK.
Add a table template to a feature template
Add a table template to an existing feature template to automatically insert rows into related tables when a feature is created. The feature template must create features that participate as the origin in a relationship class.
Table templates embedded in a feature template can streamline a workflow that otherwise requires additional steps using the Attribute pane to add a feature to a relationship each time a feature is created.
You can set a default origin primary key value or set the template to prompt for the origin primary key value. When you create a feature using the template, the specified number of rows is inserted into the destination table with the associated value in the foreign key field.
To view the primary and foreign key for a relationship class in your project, right-click the relationship class in the Catalog pane, and click Properties. Relationship information is available on the General side tab.
To add or view table templates currently embedded in a feature template, complete the following steps:
- On the Edit ribbon tab, click Create
The Create Features pane appears.
- Click a feature template that creates features that participate as the origin in a relationship class in the active map.
- Right-click the template and click Properties
This command is also available in the Manage Templates pane.
The Template Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Relationships side tab.
This tab is only available if the feature template creates features that participate as the origin in a relationship class.
The names of the related tables and the embedded table templates appear at the top of this view.
- To add an existing table and specify the default number of rows, click Add
- Click OK or Cancel.