Create IPS Quality Dataset (Indoor Positioning)

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the ArcGIS IPS extension.


Creates a dataset that can be used to assess the quality of an ArcGIS IPS deployment.


  • The Target Workspace parameter value must be an existing geodatabase. The value can be a file or an enterprise geodatabase.

  • When using an enterprise geodatabase, the connection file must connect directly to the database as the database owner.

  • The Dataset Name parameter value must be a string that adheres to the dataset naming rules and limitations and is 160 characters or less.

  • The following feature classes will be created in the output IPS Quality dataset:

    • Reference Positions—A point feature class that represents the positions of the surveyor at different times as the surveyor proceeds along a Quality IPS recording trajectory.
    • Computed Positions—A point feature class that represents the positions calculated by the IPS engine during a Quality IPS recording. The computed positions can be matched with the corresponding reference positions by the Recording GUID and IPS Time attributes.


LabelExplanationData Type
Target Workspace

The geodatabase where the IPS Quality dataset will be created. The value can be a file or an enterprise geodatabase.

Coordinate System

The spatial reference that will be used for the output IPS Quality dataset. The default is WGS84.

Coordinate System
Dataset Name

The name of the dataset that will be created. The default is IPS_Quality.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Dataset

The IPS Quality dataset that will be created in the target geodatabase.

Feature Dataset
Output Reference Positions

The updated Reference Positions feature class that will be created in the target geodatabase.

Feature Class
Output Computed Positions

The updated Computed Positions feature class that will be created in the target geodatabase.

Feature Class

arcpy.indoorpositioning.CreateIPSQualityDataset(target_workspace, coordinate_system, out_dataset_name)
NameExplanationData Type

The geodatabase where the IPS Quality dataset will be created. The value can be a file or an enterprise geodatabase.


The spatial reference that will be used for the output IPS Quality dataset. The default is WGS84. You can specify the spatial reference in several ways, including the following:

  • Reference a feature class or feature dataset with the spatial reference you want to apply, such as C:/workspace/myproject.gdb/IPS_Recordings.
  • Use a SpatialReference object.
  • Use the well-known text (WKT) string of a spatial reference. One way to determine the WKT of a spatial reference is to export a SpatialReference object to a string using the exportToString method.

Coordinate System

The name of the dataset that will be created. The default is IPS_Quality.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The IPS Quality dataset that will be created in the target geodatabase.

Feature Dataset

The updated Reference Positions feature class that will be created in the target geodatabase.

Feature Class

The updated Computed Positions feature class that will be created in the target geodatabase.

Feature Class

Code sample

CreateIPSQualityDataset example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CreateIPSQualityDataset function to create the IPS Quality dataset and feature classes in an existing geodatabase.

# Name: 
# Description: Creates the ArcGIS IPS Quality dataset and feature classes in an existing geodatabase 
# Import system modules 
import arcpy 
# Set local variables 
in_workspace = r"C:\IndoorPositioning\ExampleDatabase.gdb" 
coordinate_system = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326, 115700) 
out_dataset_name = "IPS_Quality" 
arcpy.indoorpositioning.CreateIPSQualityDataset(in_workspace, coordinate_system, out_dataset_name)
CreateIPSQualityDataset example 2 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to create an empty file geodatabase and use the CreateIPSQualityDataset function to create the IPS Quality dataset and feature classes in that geodatabase.

# Name: 
# Description: Creates an empty file geodatabase and the ArcGIS IPS Quality dataset and feature classes 

# Import system modules 
import arcpy 
# Set local variables 
gdb_path = r"C:\IndoorPositioning"
gdb_name = "ExampleDatabase.gdb" 

coordinate_system = arcpy.SpatialReference("WGS 1984 Web Mercator (auxiliary sphere)", "WGS 1984")   

dataset_name = "myDataset" 
# Call the CreateFileGDB tool to create a new file geodatabase, gdb_name)   
# Call the CreateIPSQualityDataset tool to create the ArcGIS IPS 
# Quality Dataset and the feature classes in the empty file geodatabase 
arcpy.indoorpositioning.CreateIPSQualityDataset(r"{0}\{1}".format(gdb_path, gdb_name), coordinate_system, dataset_name)


Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requires ArcGIS IPS
  • Advanced: Requires ArcGIS IPS

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