Available with Location Referencing license.
During pipe replacement, events that were part of the replaced pipe can be updated using an event replacement configuration that groups event layers so that multiple events can be retired or replaced by new events in a single editing operation.
You must create an event replacement configuration using the Configure Replace Events dialog box before using the Replace Events pane.
Event replacement scenario
In the following example, the events in the three sections of the Configure Replace Events dialog box are exclusive. When events are replaced using a saved configuration, the following occurs:
- Events in the Event Layers list are left as is.
- Events in the Retire Events list are retired using the date provided in the Replace Events pane. Retirement is valid for both point and line events.
- Events in the Retire and Replace Events list are retired and re-created using the dates provided in the Replace Events pane. Only line events can be retired and replaced.
This example configuration is used in the event replacement steps below.

All the line events that are configured in the Retire and Replace Events list of the Configure Replace Events dialog box appear in Manage Attributes when the configuration is chosen using the Replace Events pane.
Event replacement methods
The following table provides details on the methods used to replace events in the procedure below:
Methods for locating the measures
Method | Description | Additional feature classes needed in the service | Additional information |
Route and measure | The measure is located based on the measure values from the chosen route. | None | Add line events by route and measure |
Coordinates | The measure is located by x,y- and z-coordinates. | None | Add line events by coordinates |
Location Offset | The measure is located as an offset distance from a location. | LRS Intersection | Add line events by location offset |
Event replacement
To replace events using an event replacement configuration, complete the following steps:
- Open the map in ArcGIS Pro and zoom to the location where you want to replace events.
- On the Location Referencing tab, in the Events group, click Replace
The Replace Events pane appears.
Route and Measure is the default setting in the From Method and To Method drop-down menus.
- Choose the methods to locate the events to replace from the From Method and To Method drop-down lists.
You can use a combination of any of the event replacement methods to locate the from measure and to measure. For example, you can use Route and measure to choose the from measure value, and use Coordinates to define the to measure value along the route on the map.
- Click Next.
The methods you've chosen appear in the From and To section labels. For example, From: Route and Measure and To: Coordinates appear if the chosen start method is Route and Measure and the chosen end method is Coordinates.
If Coordinates was chosen as a method, choose a spatial reference and provide the measure values as coordinates using any of the provided tools.
If Location Offset was chosen as a method, choose an LRS Intersection feature class associated with the input network and provide the measure values as an offset from a location using any of the provided tools.
- Click the Network drop-down arrow and choose the network to use as the source linear referencing method (LRM) for event replacement.
The network must be an LRS Network published as a feature service layer.
- Provide the name of the line where the events are located in the Line Name text box.
Click the Choose line from map tool
and click the line on the map.
- In the From: Route and Measure section,, do one of the following to specify the route where the replacement's start measure is located:
- Provide the route's name in the Route Name text box.
- Click Choose route from map
and click the route on the map.
- In the From: Route and Measure section, provide the measure by doing any of the following:
- Provide the start measure in the Measure text box.
- Click Choose measure from map
and click the start measure location on the map.
- Check the Use route start measure check box to use the route's start measure as the From measure value for the event replacement.
A green dot appears at the selected location on the map.
- Optionally, in the From: Route and Measure section, choose a unit of measurement using the drop-down arrow.
- In the To: Route and Measure section, do one of the following to specify the route where the replacement's end measure is located:
If there is only one route, the text box in this section is inactive.
- Provide the route's name in the Route Name text box.
- Click Choose route from map
and click the end measure location on the map.
- In the To: Route and Measure section, do one of the following to specify the end measure for the event replacement along the route:
- Provide the end measure in the Measure text box.
- Click Choose measure from map
and click the end measure location on the map.
- Check the Use route end measure check box to use the route's end measure as the To measure value for the event replacement.
A red dot appears at the selected location on the map.
The events located between the specified start and end measure values are updated as follows:
- The events in the Retire Events list are retired.
- The events in the Retire and Replace Events list are retired and replaced by new events.
- Optionally, in the To: Route and Measure section, choose a unit of measurement using the drop-down arrow.
- Specify the date to define the start date of the events that are replaced by doing one of the following.
- Provide the date in the Start Date text box.
- Choose the start date using the Calendar
- Check the Route start date check box to use the route start date.
The start date is used as follows:
- Retirement Date—For events in the Retire Events list
- Retirement Date—For events in the Retire and Replace Events list
- Start Date—For the replacement events in the Retire and Replace Events list
- Optionally, specify the date to define the end date of the events that are replaced by doing one of the following:
- Provide the date in the End Date text box.
- Choose the end date using the Calendar
- Check the Route end date check box to use the route end date.
The end date is used as the end date for the replacement events in the Retire and Replace list.
- Click Next.
The Manage Attributes options appear in the Replace Events pane.
If no events are configured to retire or retire and replace, a message appears.
- Click the Replace Events drop-down arrow and choose an event replacement configuration.
The editable custom attributes for each of the configured event layers are listed. Events configured to retire are not listed since they are not replaced.
If you don't want to retire an event, update the configuration to leave it as is. To leave an event as is, it must not appear in either the Retire Events list or Retire and Replace Events list before event replacement is run.
- Provide the replacement values in the attribute fields.
- Click Run to complete the event replacement for the specified route or route segment.
- The events in the Retire Events list are retired.
- The events in the Retire and Replace Events list are retired, re-created, and displayed on the map.
Referent offset when using event replacement
The Pipeline Referencing events data model supports the configuration of referent event fields and their enablement using the Enable Referent Fields tool. Once referent fields are configured and enabled in a layer, referent locations are populated and persisted in that layer when events are replaced.
When line events are replaced using the Route and Measure method, the parent LRS Network is used as the FromRefMethod and ToRefMethod values, the route is used as the FromRefLocation and ToRefLocation values, and the FromRefOffset and ToRefOffset fields are populated using the route measures.
When line events are replaced using the Coordinates method, X/Y is used as the FromRefMethod and ToRefMethod values, geographic coordinates are used as the FromRefLocation and ToRefLocation values, and the FromRefOffset and ToRefOffset fields are populated with 0.
When line events are replaced using the Location Offset method, the LRS Intersection feature class used as the offset location is used as the FromRefMethod and ToRefMethod values, the LRS Intersection feature is used as the FromRefLocation and ToRefLocation, and the FromRefOffset and ToRefOffset fields are populated using the input offset measure values.
The examples below demonstrate replacing line events that have referent values enabled.
Before replacing line events by route and measure
In the following example, three existing events have referents populated using route and measure. The Consequence Segment and Could Affect Segment events are replaced using updated measures and different dates, and the Pipe Exposure event is retired.
The following diagram shows the routes and associated line events before event replacement:
The following table provides details about the routes before event replacement:
Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
R1 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 0 | 5 |
R2 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 7 | 12 |
R3 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 13 | 18 |
The following table provides details about the event referent fields in the layers before event creation:
FromRefMethod | FromRefLocation | FromRefOffset | ToRefMethod | ToRefLocation | ToRefOffset |
PipeSeriesNetwork | R1 | 0 | PipeSeriesNetwork | R3 | 18 |
The following table shows the default event fields before event replacement. Each of the line event layers has the same dates and measures.
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 0 | 18 |
After replacing line events using route and measure
The following diagram shows the route and associated line events after event replacement:
The start (From) and end (To) measures have been replaced in the Consequence Segment and Could Affect Segment events as of 1/1/2005, and the Pipe Exposure event has been retired as of 1/1/2005.
The following table provides details about the event referent fields after event replacement:
FromRefMethod | FromRefLocation | FromRefOffset | ToRefMethod | ToRefLocation | ToRefOffset |
PipeSeriesNetwork | R1 | 2.5 | PipeSeriesNetwork | R3 | 15.5 |
The following tables provide details about the default event fields after event replacement:
Consequence Segment
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2005 | <Null> | 2.5 | 15.5 |
Could Affect Segment
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2005 | <Null> | 2.5 | 15.5 |
Pipe Exposure
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Before replacing line events using coordinates
In the following example, three event layers that have referents populated using coordinates are replaced on 1/1/2005 using updated coordinates. The Consequence Segment and Could Affect Segment event records are replaced using updated measures and different dates, and the Pipe Exposure event is retired.
The following diagram shows the routes and associated line events before event replacement:
The following table provides details about the routes before event replacement:
Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
R1 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 0 | 5 |
R2 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 7 | 12 |
R3 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 13 | 18 |
The following table provides details about the event referent fields in the layers before event creation:
FromRefMethod | FromRefLocation | FromRefOffset | ToRefMethod | ToRefLocation | ToRefOffset |
X/Y | 33.984980, -117.306397, 20 | 0 | X/Y | 33.965456, -117.265669, 20 | 0 |
After replacing line events using coordinates
The following diagram shows the routes and associated line events after event replacement:
The following table provides details about the event referent fields after event replacement:
FromRefMethod | FromRefLocation | FromRefOffset | ToRefMethod | ToRefLocation | ToRefOffset |
X/Y | 33.977588, -117.291149, 20 | 0 | X/Y | 33.960388, -117.279564, 20 | 0 |
The following tables provide details about the default event fields after event replacement:
Consequence Segment
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2005 | <Null> | 2.5 | 15.5 |
Could Affect Segment
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2005 | <Null> | 2.5 | 15.5 |
Pipe Exposure
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Before replacing line events using location offset
In the following example, three event layers that have referents populated using location offset are replaced on 1/1/2005 using updated intersection locations. The Consequence Segment and Could Affect Segment events are replaced using updated measures and different dates, and the Pipe Exposure event is retired. The LRS intersection feature class on the route is Pipe Series Network Intersections and is used as the input intersection layer. Intersection 1 is on route R1 at measure 4 and intersection 2 is on route R3 at measure 14.
The following diagram shows the routes and associated line events before replacement:
The following table provides details about the routes before event replacement:
Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
R1 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 0 | 5 |
R2 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 7 | 12 |
R3 | 1/1/2000 | <Null> | 13 | 18 |
The following table provides details about the event referent fields in the layers before event creation:
FromRefMethod | FromRefLocation | FromRefOffset | ToRefMethod | ToRefLocation | ToRefOffset |
Pipe Series Network Intersections | Intersection 1 | -4 | Pipe Series Network Intersections | Intersection 2 | 4 |
After replacing line events using location offset
The following diagram shows the routes and associated line events after event replacement:
The following table provides details about the event referent fields after event replacement:
FromRefMethod | FromRefLocation | FromRefOffset | ToRefMethod | ToRefLocation | ToRefOffset |
Pipe Series Network Intersections | Intersection 1 | -1.5 | Pipe Series Network Intersections | Intersection 2 | 1.5 |
The following tables provide details about the default event fields after event replacement:
Consequence Segment
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2005 | <Null> | 2.5 | 15.5 |
Could Affect Segment
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2005 | <Null> | 2.5 | 15.5 |
Pipe Exposure
Event ID | From Route ID | To Route ID | From Date | To Date | From Measure | To Measure |
Event1 | R1 | R3 | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2005 | 0 | 18 |
Event editing with conflict prevention enabled
You can edit events after acquiring locks for event layers in the Replace Events pane under the following conditions:
- No one has a lock on the event layers in the Replace Events pane in any version of the feature service for the route on which the events are located.
- You have an existing event lock on event layers in the Replace Events pane in the same version of the feature service in which you are working.
You can't edit the events in the Replace Events pane under the following conditions:
- Some or all of the event layers in the Replace Events pane are locked by another person for the route on which the event is located.
- Some or all of the event layers in the Replace Events pane are locked by you but in a different version.
- The event is located on a route that is locked by another person.
- The event is located on a route that is locked by you but in a different version.