ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data Namespace / Version Class / GetConflicts Method

In This Topic
    GetConflicts Method
    In This Topic
    Gets a list of all conflicts with the target version. If there are no conflicts, an empty list is returned. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
    public IReadOnlyList<Conflict> GetConflicts()
    Public Function GetConflicts() As IReadOnlyList(Of Conflict)

    Return Value

    A IReadOnlyList of Conflict instances, representing all conflicts with the target version. If there are no conflicts, an empty list is returned.
    The method was called from a Version that is not from a branch-versioned datastore.
    A geodatabase-related exception has occurred.
    This method or property must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run

    Conflicts are generated when the current version is reconciled with a target version. This may be achieved with a call to Reconcile(ReconcileOptions). Conflicts are cleared when a second reconcile operation or post operation are performed.

    Currently, this method only supports Versions from a branch-versioned datastore.

    Illustrate version conflict information from a reconcile operation
    public void GetVersionConflictsInfoInUpdateDeleteType(ServiceConnectionProperties featureServiceConnectionProperties, string featureClassName)
        // To illustrate the conflict between versions,
        // the feature is updated in the child version and deleted in the parent version.
        long featureObjectIDForEdit = Int64.MinValue;
        // Get branch versioned service
        using (Geodatabase fsGeodatabase = new Geodatabase(featureServiceConnectionProperties))
        using (VersionManager versionManager = fsGeodatabase.GetVersionManager())
        using (Version defaultVersion = versionManager.GetDefaultVersion())
        using (Geodatabase defaultGeodatabase = defaultVersion.Connect())
        using (FeatureClass defaultFeatureClass = defaultGeodatabase.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(featureClassName))
        using (FeatureClassDefinition defaultFeatureClassDefinition = defaultFeatureClass.GetDefinition())
            // Create a feature in the default version to edit in a branch
            defaultGeodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>
                using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = defaultFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer())
                    rowBuffer["NAME"] = "Loblolly Pine";
                    rowBuffer["TREEAGE"] = 1;
                    rowBuffer[defaultFeatureClassDefinition.GetShapeField()] = new MapPointBuilderEx(new Coordinate2D(1, 1),
              SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4152, 0)).ToGeometry();
                    using (Feature feature = defaultFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
                        featureObjectIDForEdit = feature.GetObjectID();
            // Add newly created feature in the filter
            QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter { ObjectIDs = new List<long> { featureObjectIDForEdit } };
            // Create a branch version
            VersionDescription versionDescription = new VersionDescription("UpdateDeleteConflictType",
              "Update-Delete version conflict type", VersionAccessType.Private);
            // Edit the feature in the branch 
            using (Version editVersion = versionManager.CreateVersion(versionDescription))
            using (Geodatabase branchGeodatabase = editVersion.Connect())
            using (FeatureClass featureClass = branchGeodatabase.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(featureClassName))
            using (RowCursor rowCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, false))
                branchGeodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>
                    while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                        using (Row row = rowCursor.Current)
                            row["TREEAGE"] = 100;
                            row["NAME"] = $"{row["Name"]}_EditInBranch";
                // Delete the feature from the default version
                // Reconcile options
                ReconcileOptions reconcileOptions = new ReconcileOptions(defaultVersion)
                    ConflictResolutionType = ConflictResolutionType.FavorEditVersion,
                    ConflictDetectionType = ConflictDetectionType.ByRow,
                    ConflictResolutionMethod = ConflictResolutionMethod.Continue
                // Reconcile with default
                ReconcileResult reconcileResult = editVersion.Reconcile(reconcileOptions);
                // Check for conflicts
                bool hasConflictsReconcileResults = reconcileResult.HasConflicts;
                bool hasConflictsAfterReconcile = editVersion.HasConflicts();
                // Fetch conflicts
                IReadOnlyList<Conflict> conflictsAfterReconcile = editVersion.GetConflicts();
                // Iterate conflicts
                foreach (Conflict conflict in conflictsAfterReconcile)
                    // Object ID of row where conflict occurs
                    long objectId = conflict.ObjectID;
                    ConflictType conflictType = conflict.ConflictType;
                    IReadOnlyList<FieldValue> ancestorVersionValues = conflict.AncestorVersionValues;
                    object nameAncestor = ancestorVersionValues.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldName.Contains("NAME")).Value;
                    object treeAgeAncestor = ancestorVersionValues.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldName.Contains("TREEAGE")).Value;
                    IReadOnlyList<FieldValue> childVersionValues = conflict.ChildVersionValues;
                    object nameChild = childVersionValues.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldName.Contains("NAME")).Value;
                    object treeAgeChild = childVersionValues.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldName.Contains("TREEAGE")).Value;
                    IReadOnlyList<FieldValue> parentVersionValues = conflict.ParentVersionValues;
                    IReadOnlyList<Field> originalFields = defaultFeatureClassDefinition.GetFields();
                    string datasetName = conflict.DatasetName;

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3.3 or higher.
    See Also