Override SCAMIN

Disponible avec une licence ArcGIS Maritime.

The SCAMIN_STEP property is a coded value domain at the feature level used to override SCAMIN values calculated on export. The following are the values that you can set for this property:




When SCAMIN_STEP is set to <Null>, the feature is processed and the SCAMIN value is set according to the rules defined in the specified SCAMIN configuration file that is used while running Export Geodatabase to S-57, such as SCAMIN_RadarRange_Method_Sample.xml.


By setting SCAMIN_STEP to (0), the SCAMIN process does not set a SCAMIN value on the feature.

1, 2, 3, or 4

When SCAMIN_STEP is set to (1), (2), (3), or (4), the feature is processed and the SCAMIN value is set to 1, 2, 3, or 4 steps, respectively, beyond the default radar range. The step value increments of these steps are controlled by the SCAMIN configuration file that is used while running Export Geodatabase to S-57, such as SCAMIN_RadarRange_Method_Sample.xml.

999—Fixed SCAMIN

A fixed SCAMIN value of 999 is set on the feature.

Remarque :

Additional fixed values are present in the domain, and the domain can be extended to include more values if needed.

Complete the following steps to override the SCAMIN value:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or existing project.
  3. Add maritime data to the map, if necessary.

    The Maritime S-57 tab appears.

  4. Select a feature on the map.
  5. On the Maritime S-57 tab, in the Selection group, click the Attributes button Attributs.

    The Attributes pane appears.

  6. In the Maritime Attributes section, locate the SCAMIN attribute.

    The SCAMIN attribute is in the S-57 Attributes group.

  7. Change the attribute value.
  8. Cliquez sur Appliquer.
  9. Save the changes.