When you create a report, you may not need to display the contents of every section all the time. Rather than deleting a section, you can hide it. This way, you don't need to re-create it later. Once you hide a section, the updates to the report are reflected in the Contents pane and the report view. In the Contents pane, the section appears to be unchecked to signify a disabled state. In the report view, the section no longer appears and the next section in the report takes its place.
Each report section has a Format tab where you can control the size and appearance for that section. To hide a section, follow these steps:
- With a report open, select the report section you want to hide in the Contents pane.
- Click the Format tab for the section you wish to hide.
- Uncheck Show section in the Size group.
The section is removed from the report view and appears unavailable in the Contents pane.
To show a hidden section, select the section in the Contents pane and check Show section on the Format tab.