Upgrade an ArcMap parcel fabric

Use the Upgrade ArcMap Parcel Fabric script tool in Parcel Tools > Administration to upgrade an ArcMap parcel fabric to an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric.

The tool creates an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric in a feature dataset and transfers data from an ArcMap parcel fabric. The existing ArcMap parcel fabric is not changed.

The requirements for upgrading a parcel fabric are as follows:

  • A file geodatabase or an enterprise geodatabase. Enterprise geodatabases should support branch versioning.
  • Enterprise geodatabases should be in a supported DBMS (SQL Server, Oracle, or PostGreSQL).
  • A feature dataset.
    • The parcel fabric to be upgraded should be in the same spatial reference as the target feature dataset.
    • In an enterprise geodatabase, the feature dataset must be from a database connection established as a database authenticated user. This user must have database privileges to create content and cannot be an OS-authenticated, the database administrator, or the geodatabase administrator account. The connected user will become the parcel fabric owner and administrator.
    • In an enterprise geodatabase, the upgrade should be run on the default version.
    • The feature dataset cannot contain another parcel fabric. Only one parcel fabric can be created in a feature dataset.

If you are working in an enterprise environment, consider upgrading your ArcMap parcel fabric to a file geodatabase. That way your upgraded parcel fabric can be staged for quality assurance before publishing to a feature service.


When upgrading an ArcMap parcel fabric, parcels are transferred by their type to the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric. The upgrade process uses parcel types defined in the Type field of the ArcMap Parcels feature class to create parcel types in an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric. If the Type field uses a domain, the domain value description will be assigned as the parcel type name. If the Type field has no domain, the parcel types will be named by their assigned number in the Type field.

Parcel lines

Parcel lines in an ArcMap parcel fabric are associated with plans. The Created By Record field of the parcel lines feature class is populated with the global IDs of the transferred associated records.

Fields in the ArcGIS Pro parcel type lines feature class are populated with the following data:

ArcGIS Pro parcel type lines fieldsPopulated from ArcMap parcel fabric

COGO Accuracy

Accuracy from Lines feature class

COGO-enabled fields

Bearing, Distance, Radius, and ArcLength

In addition, the Sequence, Type, Category, Delta, Historical, RadialBearing, TangentBearing, Hide, LegalStartDate, LegalEndDate, and any user-added or Local Government Information Model fields in the ArcMap parcel fabric Lines table are transferred and added to the parcel type lines feature class.

Parcel polygons

Parcels in an ArcMap parcel fabric have associated plans. The Created By Record field of the parcel type polygon feature class is populated with the global IDs of the transferred associated records.

Fields in the ArcGIS Pro parcel type polygon feature class are populated with the following data:

ArcGIS Pro parcel type polygon fieldsPopulated from ArcMap parcel fabric


Name field from Parcels feature class

COGO Accuracy

Accuracy field from Parcels feature class

Stated Area

Stated Area field from Parcels feature class

Stated Area Unit

Stated Area field from Parcels feature class

Misclose Ratio

MiscloseRatio field from Parcels feature class

Misclose Distance

MiscloseDistance field from Parcels feature class

In addition, the Type, LegalStartDate, LegalEndDate, Unclosed, MiscloseBearing, BacksightBearing, Historical, Accuracy, and any user-added or Local Government Information Model fields in the ArcMap parcel fabric Parcel table are transferred and added to the parcel type polygons feature class.

Historic parcels

In an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric, parcel features are historic if the Retired By Record field is not null. Historic parcel features are displayed in historic group layers under the parcel type layer. The Historic group layer has a historic line sublayer and a historic polygon sublayer. The historic line and polygon sublayers both have a predefined Retired By Record is not null definition query.

If the Historical attribute of parcel lines or polygon features in an ArcMap parcel fabric has a value of 1 (true), the features are transferred to their associated parcel type feature classes as historic features.

The Retired By Record field of the historic features is populated with a placeholder global ID of {DDDDDDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDDDDDDDDDD}.


The historic group layer is available when the parcel fabric is published as a feature service and added to the map. The historic group layer is also available when a parcel fabric is added to the map from a file geodatabase. Since layers with definition queries cannot be published, historic sublayers are not available when a parcel fabric is added to the map from an enterprise geodatabase.

Unclosed parcels

Unclosed parcels in an ArcMap parcel fabric are transferred as connection lines to an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric. A connection line feature is created for each boundary of the unclosed parcel. The COGO-enabled attribute fields of the connection line are populated with the boundary dimensions.

Plans and records

Data in the ArcMap parcel fabric Plans table is transferred to the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric Records feature class.

The following data is transferred:

  • A new parcel fabric record is created for each plan in the Plans table.

    If the plan has associated parcels, a polygon feature is created for the record feature. The polygon feature is the record footprint and matches the cumulative shape of all parcels associated with the record.

  • If a plan has no associated parcels, the record will not have a polygon shape and will have attributes only.


Record polygons are not created for records that are associated with more than 2,000 parcels. Large record polygons can cause performance issues in the parcel fabric.

Fields in the parcel fabric Records feature class are populated with the following data from the Plans table:

Parcel fabric Records fieldPopulated from ArcMap parcel fabric


Name from Plans table

Recorded Date

LegalDate from Plans table

COGO Accuracy

Accuracy from Plans table

In addition, the Description, Surveyor, Company, SurveyDate, TrueMidBrg, and any user-added or Local Government Information Model fields in the Plans table are transferred and added to the Records feature class.

Points and control points

Data in the parcel fabric Points and Control Points feature classes is transferred to the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric Points feature class.

The following data is transferred:

  • Parcel corner points and endpoints of connection lines are transferred as parcel points (the Fixed Shape attribute field value is set to No and the Adjustment Constraint field is set to XY free, Z constrained).
  • Control points are transferred as constrained points (the Fixed Shape attribute field value is set to Yes and the Adjustment Constraint field is set to XYZ constrained).

    If the spatial location (x,y,z coordinates) of the control point does not match the spatial location of its associated parcel point in the ArcMap parcel fabric, the Fixed Shape attribute field on the constrained point in the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric is set to No.

  • Centerpoints are not transferred.
  • No plan or record information is transferred for points.
  • X,y,z attribute coordinates for parcel points are not transferred. X,y,z attribute coordinates are transferred for control points only.

Fields in the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric Points feature class are populated with the following data:

ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric Points fieldPopulated from ArcMap parcel fabric


Name from Control Points feature class, otherwise blank.

X, Y, Z fields

X, Y, Z from Control Points feature classes. Coordinates are transferred for control points only.

XY Accuracy

Accuracy XY from Control Points feature class.

Z Accuracy

Accuracy Z from Control Points feature class.

In addition, the Type, Category, Historical, LegalStartDate, LegalEndDate, CenterPoint, MaxDN, and MaxDE fields are transferred from the ArcMap parcel fabric Points table, and the SurveyDate, Active, and ConstructionData fields are transferred from the Control Points feature class. Any user-added fields and Local Government Information Model fields are also transferred.

Historic points

Historic points in an ArcMap parcel fabric are transferred as historic points to an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric. Points in an ArcMap parcel fabric are historic if the Historical attribute has a value of 1 (true).

In an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric, points are historic if the Retired By Record attribute is not NULL. When historic points are transferred, the Retired By Record attribute is populated with a placeholder global ID of {DDDDDDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDDDDDDDDDD}.

Connection lines

Lines categorized as connection lines, precise connection lines, and origin connection lines in an ArcMap parcel fabric are transferred to the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric Connection Lines feature class. Unclosed parcels are also transferred as connection lines.

Lines in an ArcMap parcel fabric are associated with plans. The Created By Record field of the Connection Lines feature class is populated with the global ID of the transferred associated record.

Fields in the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric Connection Lines feature class are populated with the following data:

ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric Connections fieldsPopulated from ArcMap parcel fabric

COGO Accuracy

Accuracy from Lines feature class

COGO-enabled fields

Bearing, Distance, Radius, and ArcLength

In addition, the Sequence, Type, Category, Delta, Historical, RadialBearing, TangentBearing, Hide, LegalStartDate, LegalEndDate, and any user-added or Local Government Information Model fields in the ArcMap parcel fabric Lines table are transferred and added to the Connection Lines feature class.

Excluded data

The following data is not transferred when upgrading an ArcMap parcel fabric to an ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric:

  • Data in the Jobs, Accuracy, Vectors, and Adjustments system tables.
  • Unjoined parcels and saved constructions.
  • System-generated radial lines and part connector lines.
  • System-generated centerpoints, line points, and points overlapping with control points.
  • Annotation. Use the Upgrade Dataset geoprocessing tool to upgrade an annotation feature class.
  • User-added related tables and related tables added by the Local Government Information Model.

Parcel fabric geodatabase topology

When an ArcMap parcel fabric is upgraded, the parcel fabric geodatabase topology is also enabled. After upgrading your parcel fabric, validate your parcel fabric to identify and fix any topology errors. You do not need to build parcels, as parcels are built during the upgrade process.


After upgrading your parcel fabric, there are some postprocessing actions you can perform to reduce redundant lines and ensure good editing performance. These actions are described in the sections below.

Delete duplicate lines

Adjacent parcels of the same parcel type and with the same associated record can share coincident boundaries. There can be a single parcel line between these adjacent parcels.

Adjacent parcels of different parcel types will each have their own boundaries. There will be overlapping lines between these adjacent parcels.

After upgrading your ArcMap parcel fabric, you can optionally use the Delete Identical geoprocessing tool to delete coincident duplicate lines. Choose a parcel type line feature class for Input Dataset. For the fields to compare, choose the Shape field. Additionally, consider choosing the Distance, Direction and CreatedByRecord fields as the fields with values that will be compared to find identical records. For example, identical lines can have identical shapes but might have two slightly different COGO distance values. In this case, you would want to keep both identical lines.

For curves, consider adding the Arc Length field as the field to compare.

Duplicate lines are chosen at random and deleted by the tool.