ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL Namespace / AnnotationFeatureClassDescription Class / AnnotationFeatureClassDescription Constructor / AnnotationFeatureClassDescription Constructor(String,IEnumerable<FieldDescription>,ShapeDescription,CIMGeneralPlacementProperties,IEnumerable<CIMLabelClass>)
The name of the description.
The fields for the ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeatureClass.
The description for the shape ArcGIS.Core.Data.Field.
The general placement properties for the annotation.
The label classes for the annotation.

In This Topic
    AnnotationFeatureClassDescription Constructor(String,IEnumerable<FieldDescription>,ShapeDescription,CIMGeneralPlacementProperties,IEnumerable<CIMLabelClass>)
    In This Topic
    Creates a description object of the ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeatureClass.


    The name of the description.
    The fields for the ArcGIS.Core.Data.Mapping.AnnotationFeatureClass.
    The description for the shape ArcGIS.Core.Data.Field.
    The general placement properties for the annotation.
    The label classes for the annotation.

    name and/or fieldDescriptions is invalid.


    shapeDescription must have ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.GeometryType.Polygon.


    There must be at least one ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLabelClass, and the list must have unique names and IDs. Each must also have a ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLabelClass.TextSymbol.

    fieldDescriptions, shapeDescription, generalPlacementProperties, and/or labelClasses is null.
    Creating an annotation feature class
    public void CreateStandAloneAnnotationFeatureClass(Geodatabase geodatabase, SpatialReference spatialReference)
        // Creating a Cities annotation feature class
        // with following user defined fields
        // Name 
        // GlobalID
        // Annotation feature class name
        string annotationFeatureClassName = "CitiesAnnotation";
        // Create user defined attribute fields for annotation feature class 
        FieldDescription globalIDFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateGlobalIDField();
        FieldDescription nameFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateStringField("Name", 255);
        // Create a list of all field descriptions
        List<FieldDescription> fieldDescriptions = new List<FieldDescription> { globalIDFieldDescription, nameFieldDescription };
        // Create a ShapeDescription object
        ShapeDescription shapeDescription = new ShapeDescription(GeometryType.Polygon, spatialReference);
        // Create general placement properties for Maplex engine 
        CIMMaplexGeneralPlacementProperties generalPlacementProperties =
          new CIMMaplexGeneralPlacementProperties
              AllowBorderOverlap = true,
              PlacementQuality = MaplexQualityType.High,
              DrawUnplacedLabels = true,
              InvertedLabelTolerance = 1.0,
              RotateLabelWithDisplay = true,
              UnplacedLabelColor = new CIMRGBColor
                  R = 0,
                  G = 255,
                  B = 0,
                  Alpha = 0.5f // Green
        // Create general placement properties for Standard engine
        //CIMStandardGeneralPlacementProperties generalPlacementProperties =
        //  new CIMStandardGeneralPlacementProperties
        //  {
        //    DrawUnplacedLabels = true,
        //    InvertedLabelTolerance = 3.0,
        //    RotateLabelWithDisplay = true,
        //    UnplacedLabelColor = new CIMRGBColor
        //    {
        //      R = 255, G = 0, B = 0, Alpha = 0.5f // Red
        //    } 
        //   };
        // Create annotation  label classes
        // Green label
        CIMLabelClass greenLabelClass = new CIMLabelClass
            Name = "Green",
            ExpressionTitle = "Expression-Green",
            ExpressionEngine = LabelExpressionEngine.Arcade,
            Expression = "$feature.OBJECTID",
            ID = 1,
            Priority = 0,
            Visibility = true,
            TextSymbol = new CIMSymbolReference
                Symbol = new CIMTextSymbol()
                    Angle = 45,
                    FontType = FontType.Type1,
                    FontFamilyName = "Tahoma",
                    FontEffects = FontEffects.Normal,
                    HaloSize = 2.0,
                    Symbol = new CIMPolygonSymbol
                        SymbolLayers = new CIMSymbolLayer[]
            new CIMSolidFill
              Color = CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 255, 0)
                        UseRealWorldSymbolSizes = true
                MaxScale = 0,
                MinScale = 0,
                SymbolName = "TextSymbol-Green"
            StandardLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMStandardLabelPlacementProperties
                AllowOverlappingLabels = true,
                LineOffset = 1.0
            MaplexLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMMaplexLabelPlacementProperties
                AlignLabelToLineDirection = true,
                AvoidPolygonHoles = true
        // Blue label
        CIMLabelClass blueLabelClass = new CIMLabelClass
            Name = "Blue",
            ExpressionTitle = "Expression-Blue",
            ExpressionEngine = LabelExpressionEngine.Arcade,
            Expression = "$feature.OBJECTID",
            ID = 2,
            Priority = 0,
            Visibility = true,
            TextSymbol = new CIMSymbolReference
                Symbol = new CIMTextSymbol()
                    Angle = 45,
                    FontType = FontType.Type1,
                    FontFamilyName = "Consolas",
                    FontEffects = FontEffects.Normal,
                    HaloSize = 2.0,
                    Symbol = new CIMPolygonSymbol
                        SymbolLayers = new CIMSymbolLayer[]
            new CIMSolidFill
              Color = CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 255)
                        UseRealWorldSymbolSizes = true
                MaxScale = 0,
                MinScale = 0,
                SymbolName = "TextSymbol-Blue"
            StandardLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMStandardLabelPlacementProperties
                AllowOverlappingLabels = true,
                LineOffset = 1.0
            MaplexLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMMaplexLabelPlacementProperties
                AlignLabelToLineDirection = true,
                AvoidPolygonHoles = true
        // Create a list of labels
        List<CIMLabelClass> labelClasses = new List<CIMLabelClass> { greenLabelClass, blueLabelClass };
        // Create an annotation feature class description object to describe the feature class to create
        AnnotationFeatureClassDescription annotationFeatureClassDescription =
          new AnnotationFeatureClassDescription(annotationFeatureClassName, fieldDescriptions, shapeDescription,
            generalPlacementProperties, labelClasses)
              IsAutoCreate = true,
              IsSymbolIDRequired = false,
              IsUpdatedOnShapeChange = true
        // Create a SchemaBuilder object
        SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder = new SchemaBuilder(geodatabase);
        // Add the creation of the Cities annotation feature class to the list of DDL tasks
        // Execute the DDL
        bool success = schemaBuilder.Build();
        // Inspect error messages
        if (!success)
            IReadOnlyList<string> errorMessages = schemaBuilder.ErrorMessages;
    Creating a feature-linked annotation feature class
    public void CreateFeatureLinkedAnnotationFeatureClass(Geodatabase geodatabase, SpatialReference spatialReference)
        // Creating a feature-linked annotation feature class between water pipe and valve in water distribution network
        // with following user defined fields
        // PipeName 
        // GlobalID
        // Annotation feature class name
        string annotationFeatureClassName = "WaterPipeAnnotation";
        // Create user defined attribute fields for annotation feature class
        FieldDescription pipeGlobalID = FieldDescription.CreateGlobalIDField();
        FieldDescription nameFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateStringField("Name", 255);
        // Create a list of all field descriptions
        List<FieldDescription> fieldDescriptions = new List<FieldDescription> { pipeGlobalID, nameFieldDescription };
        // Create a ShapeDescription object
        ShapeDescription shapeDescription = new ShapeDescription(GeometryType.Polygon, spatialReference);
        // Create general placement properties for Maplex engine 
        CIMMaplexGeneralPlacementProperties generalPlacementProperties = new CIMMaplexGeneralPlacementProperties
            AllowBorderOverlap = true,
            PlacementQuality = MaplexQualityType.High,
            DrawUnplacedLabels = true,
            InvertedLabelTolerance = 1.0,
            RotateLabelWithDisplay = true,
            UnplacedLabelColor = new CIMRGBColor
                R = 255,
                G = 0,
                B = 0,
                Alpha = 0.5f
        // Create annotation  label classes
        // Green label
        CIMLabelClass greenLabelClass = new CIMLabelClass
            Name = "Green",
            ExpressionTitle = "Expression-Green",
            ExpressionEngine = LabelExpressionEngine.Arcade,
            Expression = "$feature.OBJECTID",
            ID = 1,
            Priority = 0,
            Visibility = true,
            TextSymbol = new CIMSymbolReference
                Symbol = new CIMTextSymbol()
                    Angle = 45,
                    FontType = FontType.Type1,
                    FontFamilyName = "Tahoma",
                    FontEffects = FontEffects.Normal,
                    HaloSize = 2.0,
                    Symbol = new CIMPolygonSymbol
                        SymbolLayers = new CIMSymbolLayer[]
            new CIMSolidFill
              Color = CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 255, 0)
                        UseRealWorldSymbolSizes = true
                MaxScale = 0,
                MinScale = 0,
                SymbolName = "TextSymbol-Green"
            StandardLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMStandardLabelPlacementProperties
                AllowOverlappingLabels = true,
                LineOffset = 1.0
            MaplexLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMMaplexLabelPlacementProperties
                AlignLabelToLineDirection = true,
                AvoidPolygonHoles = true
        // Blue label
        CIMLabelClass blueLabelClass = new CIMLabelClass
            Name = "Blue",
            ExpressionTitle = "Expression-Blue",
            ExpressionEngine = LabelExpressionEngine.Arcade,
            Expression = "$feature.OBJECTID",
            ID = 2,
            Priority = 0,
            Visibility = true,
            TextSymbol = new CIMSymbolReference
                Symbol = new CIMTextSymbol()
                    Angle = 45,
                    FontType = FontType.Type1,
                    FontFamilyName = "Consolas",
                    FontEffects = FontEffects.Normal,
                    HaloSize = 2.0,
                    Symbol = new CIMPolygonSymbol
                        SymbolLayers = new CIMSymbolLayer[]
            new CIMSolidFill
              Color = CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 255)
                        UseRealWorldSymbolSizes = true
                MaxScale = 0,
                MinScale = 0,
                SymbolName = "TextSymbol-Blue"
            StandardLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMStandardLabelPlacementProperties
                AllowOverlappingLabels = true,
                LineOffset = 1.0
            MaplexLabelPlacementProperties = new CIMMaplexLabelPlacementProperties
                AlignLabelToLineDirection = true,
                AvoidPolygonHoles = true
        // Create a list of labels
        List<CIMLabelClass> labelClasses = new List<CIMLabelClass> { greenLabelClass, blueLabelClass };
        // Create linked feature description
        // Linked feature class name
        string linkedFeatureClassName = "WaterPipe";
        // Create fields for water pipe
        FieldDescription waterPipeGlobalID = FieldDescription.CreateGlobalIDField();
        FieldDescription pipeName = FieldDescription.CreateStringField("PipeName", 255);
        // Create a list of water pipe field descriptions
        List<FieldDescription> pipeFieldDescriptions = new List<FieldDescription> { waterPipeGlobalID, pipeName };
        // Create a linked feature class description
        FeatureClassDescription linkedFeatureClassDescription = new FeatureClassDescription(linkedFeatureClassName, pipeFieldDescriptions,
          new ShapeDescription(GeometryType.Polyline, spatialReference));
        // Create a SchemaBuilder object
        SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder = new SchemaBuilder(geodatabase);
        // Add the creation of the linked feature class to the list of DDL tasks
        FeatureClassToken linkedFeatureClassToken = schemaBuilder.Create(linkedFeatureClassDescription);
        // Create an annotation feature class description object to describe the feature class to create
        AnnotationFeatureClassDescription annotationFeatureClassDescription =
          new AnnotationFeatureClassDescription(annotationFeatureClassName, fieldDescriptions, shapeDescription,
            generalPlacementProperties, labelClasses, new FeatureClassDescription(linkedFeatureClassToken))
              IsAutoCreate = true,
              IsSymbolIDRequired = false,
              IsUpdatedOnShapeChange = true
        // Add the creation of the annotation feature class to the list of DDL tasks
        // Execute the DDL
        bool success = schemaBuilder.Build();
        // Inspect error messages
        if (!success)
            IReadOnlyList<string> errorMessages = schemaBuilder.ErrorMessages;

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
    See Also